
MicroPyScript: A test harness for multiple runtimes in PyScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MicroPyScript 🔬 🐍

A small, simple kernel of PyScript, made for testing purposes in the spirit of a code spike.

This is the way:

  • Obvious code.
  • Simple is good.
  • No dependencies.
  • Vanilla JavaScript.
  • Pluggable.
  • Comments.
  • (Some) tests.
  • Build for change.

This is a foundation for lightweight testing of Python interpreters that target WASM. Inspired by code in the "real" PyScript website and our plans for plugins and simple event based coordination.

Complexity, edge cases and customization is (hopefully) confined to plugins and bespoke interpreters.

That is all.

Developer setup

In order to compile MicroPython you'll need to ensure you have the expected dev tools described here:


Otherwise, common tasks are scripted by a Makefile (tested on Linux):

$ make
There's no default Makefile target right now. Try:

make setup - clone the required repositories.
make update - update the emsdk compiler.
make mp - compile MicroPython for WASM into the mpbuild directory.
make serve - serve the project at:
make test - while serving the app, run the test suite in browser.

To get a working development environment with MicroPython run:

$ make setup
$ make update
$ make mp

To check things are working:

$ make serve

Then point your browser to to see the first page of an interactive technical report about using MicroPython. You should be able to change the interpreter from micropython to pyodide and things should just work as before, but with a different interpreter at the bottom of the PyScript stack.

Running the tests


For the sake of simplicity (and familiarity) we use the Jasmine test framework to exercise the JavaScript aspects of our code.

Ensure the project is being served (make serve) and in a different shell, in the root of this project, type make test. Your default browser should open and run the Jasmine based test suite.

How it works

The PyScript core only loads configuration, starts the Python interpreter, allows the registration of plugins and adds files to the interpreter's filesystem. All other logic, capabilities and features are contained in the plugins.

Currently, only two plugins are provided:

  • One built into PyScript that implements the core <py-script> tag.
  • The other (in customtags.js) implements the <py-repl> tag to demonstrate a "third party" plugin.

The story of PyScript's execution is roughly as follows:

  1. Configuration is loaded from the <py-config> tag. Once complete the py-configured event is dispatched, containing the config object based upon default values overridden by the content of the <py-config> tag.
  2. When the py-configured event is dispatched three things happen:
    • The interpreter is loaded via injecting a <script> tag that references the interpreter's URL. Once loaded the py-interpreter-loaded event is dispatched.
    • Plugins are registered and have their configure function called. For each plugin registered a py-plugin-registered event is dispatched, containing the (potentially changed) config, and a reference to the newly registered plugin.
    • The content of the files to be added to the interpreter's filesystem are fetched. Once downloaded each file causes a py-file-fetched event to be dispatched with the path and content of the file attached to it.
  3. When py-interpreter-loaded is dispatched two things happen:
    • The interpreter is instantiated / started. Once complete the py-interpreter-ready event is dispatched.
    • All registered plugins have their start function called and a py-plugin-started event is dispatched for each plugin.
  4. When the py-interpreter-ready event is dispatched all plugins have their onInterpreterReady function called with the config and interpreter objects. At this point all files are copied onto the interpreter's filesystem. When all the files are copied the py-files-loaded event is dispatched.
  5. When both the interpreter and filesystem are finished setting up and in a ready state, the py-finished-setup event is dispatched to signal PyScript is ready to evaluate user's code.
  6. Any plugins registered after the interpreter is ready immediately have their configure, start and onInterpreterReady functions called, with the py-plugin-registered and py-plugin-started events being dispatched.

That's it!

When pyscript.js is run, it creates a window.PyScript object that contains read-only references to the config, registered plugins, availableInterpreters, the interpreter used on the page, a n isInterpreterReady flag, a registerPlugin function (see below) and a runPython(code) function that takes a string of Python.

There are copious comments in the pyscript.js file. My intention is for simplicity, lack of onerous dependencies (bye-bye npm), and understandability. This code is good if it's easy to understand what's going on. To this end, it's laid out in a "literate" manner, so the code "tells the story" of this implementation of PyScript by reading it from top to bottom.


Plugins are inspired by Antonio's suggestion found here, and should be relatively self explanatory.

Since simplicity is the focus, plugins are simply JavaScript objects.

Such objects are expected they have a name attribute referencing a string naming the plugin (useful for logging purposes). Plugins should also provide one or more of the following functions attached to them, called in the following order (as the lifecycle of the plugin):

  • configure(config) - Gives the plugin early access to the config object. Potentially, the plugin can modify it, and modifications will be visible to later steps and other plugins. Plugins must only modify the config at this point in their life-cycle. Examples of things which plugins might want to do at this point:
    • Early sanity check about their own options.
    • Rename/remap some options.
    • Add new packages to install.
    • Modify options for other plugins (e.g. a debugger plugin might set the option show_terminal).
  • start(config) - The main entry point for plugins. At this point, config should not be modified by the plugin. Example use cases:
    • Define custom HTML elements.
    • Start fetching external resources.
  • onInterpreterReady(config, interpreter) - Called once the interpreter is ready to evaluate Python code. Example use cases:
    • pip install packages.
    • Import/initialize Python plugins.

The following events, dispatched by PyScript itself, are related to plugins:

  • py-plugin-registered - Dispatched when a plugin is registered (and the event contains a reference to the newly registered plugin). This happens immediately after the plugin's configure function is called.
  • py-plugin-started - Dispatched immediately after a plugin's start function is called. The event contains a reference to the started plugin.
  • py-interpreter-ready - causes each plugin's onInterpreterReady function to be called.

If a plugin is registered after the interpreter is ready, all three functions are immediately called in the expected sequence, one after the other.

The recommended way to create and register plugins is:

const myPlugin = function(e) {
    Private and internal logic, event handlers and event dispatch can happen
    within the closure defined by this function.


    const FOO = "bar";

    function foo() {
        const myEvent = new CustomEvent("my-event", {detail: {"foo": FOO}});

    function onFoo(e) {

    document.addEventListener("my-event", onFoo);


    const plugin = {
        name: "my-plugin",
        configure: function(config) {
            // ...
        start: function(config) {
            // ...
        onInterpreterReady: function(config, interpreter) {
            // ...

document.addEventListener("py-configured", myPlugin);

Then in your HTML file:

<script src="myplugin.js"></script>
<script src="pyscript.js" type="module"></script>


The Interpreter class abstracts away all the implementation details of the various Python interpreters we might use.

To see a complete implementation see the MicroPythonInterpreter class that inherits from Interpreter. There is also an incomplete PyodideInterpreter class so I was able to compare and contrast the differences between implementations and arrive at a general abstraction (still very much a work in progress). Comments in the code should explain what's going on in terms of the life-cycle and capabilities of a "interpreter".

The afore mentioned MicroPythonInterpreter, CPythonInterpreter and PyodideInterpreter all, to a greater or lesser extent, define a uniform shim around their respective interpreter. The MicroPython one is most complete, but still needs work as I make changes to how MicroPython itself exposes stdout, stderr and consumes stdin.

The future

Who knows..? But this is a good scaffold for testing different Python interpreters.

Next steps:

  • More comprehensive tests.
  • CPythonInterpreter fully implemented.
  • PyodideInterpreter finished.
  • MicroPythonInterpreter refactored after making MicroPython play nicer with stdout and stderr.
  • A uniform way to pip install packages in each interpreter.
  • A uniform JavaScript gateway from within each interpreter.
  • A uniform navigator object through which to access the DOM from within each interpreter.
  • Running in web-workers (and associated message passing work), for each interpreter.

That's it..! ;-)