========================================= README - pyside-assistant generated files ========================================= All files generated by psa init are described below. The sampleproject slug used for them was 'sampleproject', with the following psa call: $ psa init sampleproject <fremantle|harmattan|...> For a complete list of templates available, use: $ psa list * MANIFEST.in: Distutils considers a list of files by default for installation, listed at [1]. Additional files to be distributed must be supplied in the MANIFEST.in file. The generated file includes the .desktop file and any QML files found. [1] http://docs.python.org/distutils/sourcedist.html#specifying-the-files-to-distribute. * setup.py: The main file for using Distutils, contains most of the information needed to build the package. Information about setup.py can be found at http://docs.python.org/distutils/introduction.html. Two fields of this file can be modified by psa update parameters: - description: -d or --description - long_description: the contents of sampleproject.longdesc are used * stdeb.cfg: Configuration file for stdeb, specifying additional parameters for the binary package. The specification for this file can be found at https://github.com/astraw/stdeb, in the section stdeb.cfg configuration file. One field of this file can be modified by psa update parameters: - Section: -s or --section Note that the section should be a valid one, as specified in http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Package_categories#New_list_for_Diablo. * sampleproject.aegis: Sample credentials file, which initially is empty. Information of how to populate it can be found at [2]. NOTE: this file is used only in harmattan projects. [2] http://library.developer.nokia.com/topic/MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_API/html/guide/html/Developer_Library_Developing_for_Harmattan_Harmattan_security_6cbe.html * sampleproject.desktop: This file specifies how to run the application from the application grid, with various fields. Information about .desktop files can be found at http://wiki.maemo.org/Desktop_file_format. Two fields of this file can be modified by psa update parameters: - Name: -a or --app-name - Category: -c or --category Note that the category should be a valid one, as specified in http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html. * sampleproject.png: The application icon, which is displayed in the application grid. * qml/*.qml: The QML files for the application. Their contents depend on the platform. * sampleproject: Main program. Initializes the application and provide support for displaying the QML files contents. * sampleproject.longdesc: Holds the contents of the long_description field of setup.py, which as the name implies is a more detailed description of what the project is.
PySideAssistant is a tool for building binary packages for PySide projects.