- 1
- 0
Postgres extensions not enabled in test DB when running pytest --no-migrations
#1163 opened by wadhah101 - 0
Global parametrized DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE and xdist
#1159 opened by WisdomPill - 0
- 0
No transaction support despite `transactional_db` (edge case of indirect parametrization)
#1157 opened by scur-iolus - 0
ContentTypes cache not cleared between tests
#1156 opened by tomviner - 2
How to patch settings attributes after fixtures will be loaded but before apps imports
#1058 opened by mihalt - 0
- 1
- 0
`pytest.PytestConfigWarning: could not load initial conftests` with --help or -V but not when running tests
#1152 opened by johncarter-phntm - 3
Unblock not cleaned up at the end of pytest execution?
#1147 opened by boxed - 0
Please provide a session-scope 'settings' fixture
#1146 opened by coredumperror - 0
- 1
Switching from Django UnitTest to pytest-django results in : Database access not allowed, use the "django_db" mark, or the "db" or "transactional_db" fixtures to enable it.
#1118 opened by Some7hing0riginal - 3
- 4
- 2
Github Actions are failing on new PRs.
#1133 opened by pzarfos - 4
Pytest django crashing with pyest 8.0.0
#1107 opened by jacobowitz - 0
- 4
- 0
How to change environment variable before django settings will be initialized?
#1136 opened by mihalt - 4
- 0
- 0
A new fixture for using "real database"?
#1132 opened by rhoban13 - 11
- 0
Unable to fully override db setup fixture
#1131 opened by eldjh3 - 0
Multi-db: databases not being blocked
#1127 opened by meshy - 1
pytest-django should handle MEDIA_ROOT
#1126 opened by JasonGrace2282 - 1
Is Django 2.2 supported in latest or not?
#1124 opened by Faithfinder - 0
- 2
apps.ready() doesn't get called
#1122 opened by vt-rc - 4
Python 3.12 + django 4.2: debug doesn't work
#1114 opened by senseysensor - 0
serialized_rollback not working under all circumstances
#1117 opened by medihack - 1
Updating django to 4.2.1 makes django_assert_num_queries not see queries
#1068 opened by MuslimBeibytuly - 1
A fixture for the project's `urlpatterns`
#1116 opened by paduszyk - 2
- 0
- 5
[User error] FAIL_INVALID_TEMPLATE_VARS interferes with {% if model.one_to_one_field %}
#1059 opened by voidus - 3
- 1
Capture messages from Django messages framework
#1075 opened by timobrembeck - 1
django.db.utils.OperationalError: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: No such file or directory
#1073 opened by karambaq - 2
- 1
(Question) Running fixture / function before all tests
#1069 opened by VaZark - 0
Impossible to bypass THROTTLE - Django REST
#1067 opened by Pithikos - 0
Database connection issue
#1066 opened by ColeDCrawford - 4
Pytest-plugins labels `pytest-django` as `django`
#1061 opened by derek-adair - 1
RemovedInDjango51Warning: assertQuerysetEqual() is deprecated in favor of assertQuerySetEqual()
#1056 opened by johnnymetz - 0
mailoutbox doesn't work correctly with celery_worker
#1055 opened by mihalt - 0
Saving of _factory doesn't apear, if run few test at once
#1054 opened by mihalt - 0