The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
- achiku@kanmu
- alexandreRemote
- arthuralvim@savantlabs
- asottile
- atsuoishimotoSaitama, Japan
- avelino@buserbrasil
- blueyedFreelancer, up for hire
- bpatyi@lhsystems
- cdeilHeidelbergCement
- chassingRed Hat
- chriskuehl@reddit
- denisbalyko@Yandex LLC
- dmpayton@SJVAir
- esp10mm
- felixonmarsArch Linux @archlinux
- fernandogrdMoises
- hpk42merlinux
- ionelmcCluj-Napoca, Romania
- jezdez@anaconda
- kmike@zytedata, @ScrapingHub
- ktosiek
- limeburst@RIDI
- luzfcb@pythonbrasil
- nickedesBangalore, India
- nicoddemusESSS
- pbanaszkiewiczKraków, Poland
- poliarush
- pupssmanYandex
- reduxionist@intelligent-bytes
- renatooliveiraRecife, PE Brazil
- t2y@kazamori
- The-CompilerBruhin Software
- ttanner
- untitaker@getsentry
- vodikMovable Ink
- witschZITC