
An API for playing The Settlers of Catan in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Library for simulating a game of The Settlers of Catan


Download from pip3

pip3 install pycatan

Run tests from source

Easy way

Run the bash file test.sh `.test.sh'

Hard Way


  • Documentation
    • CatanGame
    • CatanBoard
    • CatanPlayer
    • Etc
  • Example game
    • Something


CatanGame module

Represents a game of Catan


  • board
    • The CatanBoard in the game
  • players
    • An array of CatanPlayers (representing the players)
  • longest\_road\_owner
    • The index of the player who has the longest road


CatanGame.__init__(self, num_of_players=3, on_win=None, starting_board=False)

Creates a new CatanGame

  • num_of_players: The number of players playing the game
  • on_win: Optional function to run when the game is won
  • starting_board: Whether or not to use the beginner's board
CatanGame.add_settlement(self, player, r, i, is_starting=False)

Builds a new settlement

  • player: The index of the player who is building the settlement
  • r: The row at which to build the settlement
  • i: The index at which to build the settlement
  • is_starting: Whether or not the settlement is being build during the building phase, and thus should be build for free

Returns a CatanStatus value.

CatanGame.add_road(self, player, start, end, is_starting=False)

Builds a new road

  • player: The index of the player building the road
  • start: An array with the coordinate of one the the road's points (given [row, index])
  • end: An array with the coordinate of the road's other point (given [row, index])
  • is_starting: Whether or not the road is being built during the building phase and thus should be build for free

Returns a CatanStatus value

CatanGame.add_city(self, r, i, player)

Builds a city on top of a settlement

  • r: The row at which to build the city
  • i: The index at which to build the city
  • player: The index of the player who is building the city

Returns a CatanStatus value

CatanGame.build_dev(self, player)

Builds a new developement card

  • player: The player who is building the developement card

Returns a CatanStatus value

CatanGame.use_dev_card(self, player, card, args)

Uses a developement card

  • player: The player who is using the card
  • card: The CatanCard value representing the type of card
  • args: Variable arguments in a dictionary depending on which type of developement card is played
    • CatanCards.DEV_ROAD: args contains 'road_one' and 'road_two' values, both of which are arrays of arrays coresponding to the point which the roads should be built
      • road_one: An array representing the first road in arrays representing points
        • Ex: [[0, 0], [0, 1]] would represent a road going from 0, 0 to 0, 1
      • road_two: Same as road_one, but for the other road
    • CatanCards.DEV_KNIGHT: args contains 'robber_pos' and 'victim' values.
      • robber_pos: The position for the robber to be placed as an array, given as [row, index]
      • victim: The index of the player to take the card from. Can be None if the player playing the knight card doesn't want to take a card from anybody.
    • CatanCards.DEV_MONOPOLY: args contains a 'card_type' value.
      • card_type: The CatanCards value representing the card the player wants to take
    • CatanCards.DEV_YOP: args contains 'card_one' and 'card_two' values.
      • card_one: The CatanCards value of the first card the player wants to take
      • card_two: The CatanCards value of the second card
    • CatanCards.DEV_VP: Do not call CatanGame.use_dev_card on CatanCards.DEV_VP, as players do not play VP cards, but keep them until the end of the game.
CatanGame.add_yield_for_roll(self, roll)

Distributes cards based on a dice roll

  • roll: The dice roll

Returns nothing


Optional. Simulates 2 dice rolls added together.

Returns a number

CatanGame.trade(self, player_one, player_two, cards_one, cards_two)

Trades cards between players

  • player_one: The first player in the trade
  • player_two: The second player in the trade
  • cards_one: The cards the first player is giving
  • cards_two: The cards the second player is giving

Returns a CatanStatus value

CatanGame.trade_to_bank(self, player, cards, request)

Trades 4 cards to the bank for 1 card. Also will trade only 2 cards if the player is connected to the right harbor

  • player: The player who is trading the cards
  • cards: An array of numbers (CatanCard values) to trade from the player to the bank
  • request: The CatanCard value the player will receive

Returns a CatanStatus value


Represents a Catan game board.

Static values

  • CatanBoard.HEX_FOREST
    • Represents a forest hex
  • CatanBoard.HEX_Hills
    • Represents a hills hex
  • CatanBoard.HEX_MOUNTAINS
    • Represents a mountains hex
  • CatanBoard.HEX_PASTURE
    • Represents a pasture hex
  • CatanBoard.HEX_FIELDS
    • Represents a fields hex
  • CatanBoard.HEX_DESERT
    • Represents a desert hex


  • hexes
    • An array representing the hexes on the board
  • hex_nums
    • An array representing the number tokens on the board
  • points
    • An array representing the intersections between hexes (where settlements are placed)
  • roads
    • An array of CatanBuildings representing all the roads in the game
  • harbors
    • An array of CatanHarbors representing all the harbors on the board
  • robber
    • An array representing the robber's position (given as [row, index])



Gets a CatanCards value for a corresponding CatanBoard Hex value

  • hex: The CatanBoard hex value to get the card for

Ex: CatanBoard.get_card_from_hex(CatanBoard.HEX_HILLS) would return CatanCards.CARD_BRICK

Returns a CatanCards value


Represents a Catan Building

Static Values


Represents a road


Represents a settlement


Represents a city


Contains values representing different resource and developement cards

Static Values


Represents a wood resource card.


Represents a brick resource card.


Represents a sheep resource card.


Represents a ore resource card.


Represents a wheat resource card.


Represents a road building developement card.


Represents a victory point developement card.


Represents a monopoly developement card.


Represents a year of plenty developement card.


Represents a knight developement card.


Represents a harbor.

Static values


Represents a 2:1 Wood harbor


Represents a 2:1 Brick harbor


Represents a 2:1 Wheat harbor


Represents a 2:1 Ore harbor


Represents a 2:1 Sheep harbor



Returns a string representation of the harbor's type


Represents a player in the game.


CatanPlayer.get_VP(self, include_dev=False)

Returns the number of victory points the player has.

  • include_dev: Whether to include victory points from developement cards, which are only counted if the player wins and should be hidden otherwise.


Interger representation of different statuses returned by functions.

Static values


The function ran successfully


The player trying to perform an action lacks the necessary cards.


A building is blocking the action.


The point being used does not exist.


The player is trying to build a building which is not connected to any of their roads.


The player is trying to use a harbor which they are not connected to


The player is trying to use a building which does not exist


The player is trying to use a building which belongs to another player


The player is trying to build a city on an invalid location


There are not enough cards in the deck to perform this action


The input given is missing mandatory information


When running the test module, an error was encountered

Example game

We're going to make an example text-game of Catan using PyCatan

First, create a new file.


def main():
	print("Playing Catan!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now let's set up a new game of Catan


from PyCatan import CatanGame

def main():

	num_of_players = int(input("How many players are playing? "))

	game = CatanGame(num_of_players)