- 7
- 10
Is the project being abondoned?
#424 opened by TeaDrinkingProgrammer - 6
Allow packaging==20.3
#377 opened by mdjones - 2
Bug: Could not load 'init': cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe'
#414 opened by getorca - 1
[FR] loop (sub-)chains
#405 opened by xunxky - 3
Documentation example broken
#396 opened by alaindebecker - 3
- 0
Example for using the RateLimited feature?
#406 opened by jakane - 0
No output in docker container
#401 opened by happy-machine - 2
Log/print execution status to stdout
#353 opened by wenting18 - 7
- 2
- 1
AttributeError: Graph and get_cursor()
#392 opened by kasteph - 0
Graceful termination hangs when filtering data
#391 opened by BalzySte - 1
- 0
incompatibility with pip==20.x
#385 opened by gkennos - 0
- 1
- 2
Filter Node error
#382 opened by dainiervg1988 - 4
- 1
Doc: Orphan Nodes / Chains incorrect
#370 opened by Guilherme-B - 3
Async calls in nodes
#368 opened by farzeni - 3
- 1
Documentation missing - Not clear how to check if there were any errors in transformation nodes
#376 opened by neongazer - 2
Output to multiple files.
#373 opened by dovy - 1
- 0
- 0
Document installation of database drivers
#356 opened by hartym - 0
Readers: How to handle duplicate fields ?
#355 opened by hartym - 0
Update templates to use new syntax
#339 opened by hartym - 1
Quality and Release Management
#349 opened by hartym - 0
CI: Python 3.7
#350 opened by hartym - 0
CI: Python 3.8
#351 opened by hartym - 1
Async-based core
#343 opened by hartym - 1
#347 opened by hartym - 0
Plugins and Extensions
#348 opened by hartym - 1
Context Variables
#344 opened by hartym - 0
New Syntax as Default
#346 opened by hartym - 0
Basic Operations
#342 opened by hartym - 0
Metadata API
#345 opened by hartym - 0
- 9
[bug] allow to specify fields in csv writer
#337 opened by yanjost - 0
Allow to use a cursor, so the get_graph() function can be way simpler
#340 opened by hartym - 0
Add a static type analyzer pass to CI, add .pyi files if this is something with value that can be easily generated.
#338 opened by hartym - 1
New Syntax: Connect two points
#327 opened by hartym - 2
New Syntax: Send output to existing
#325 opened by hartym - 0
New Syntax: Add a branch inbetween
#329 opened by hartym - 0
New Syntax: Multiple forks
#326 opened by hartym - 1
New Syntax: Create a new origin
#328 opened by hartym - 0
New Syntax: Merges
#324 opened by hartym