
Bonobo ETL demo from Pycon.DE talk, using Django2, DBPedia and SPARQL.

Primary LanguagePython

Music Directory - Bonobo ETL Demo

Bonobo ETL demo from Pycon.DE talk, using Django2, DBPedia and SPARQL.

Prerequisites and installation

You need the "bleeding edge" version of bonobo to run this demo.

pip install git+https://github.com/python-bonobo/bonobo.git@develop#egg=bonobo

Read more about installation options: http://docs.bonobo-project.org/en/master/install.html

Once this is done, just run:

make install

Application content

This demo contains a django2 project, with one management task. All five first commits in the repository matches the 5 steps of my talk in Karlsruhe, so you can replay every step by running git rebase -i --root, setting all commits to edit and use git rebase --continue to advance to the next step.

You'll need a postgresql server running, starting from step 3.

To apply database migrations, just run ./manage.py migrate.

To run the webserver, run ./manage.py runserver.

To run the importer from dbpedia, run ./manage.py import_dbpedia.

Slides from the talk
