
Public statistics portal for Python Discord

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Python Discord public statistics

Public statistics for the Discord server available at https://stats.pydis.com

Running locally with docker-compose

If you're running this locally, the easiest way is to just use docker-compose. We've provided a docker-compose file that will first start up Graphite, and then build and launch the app.

In order to get the app running, all you need to do is:

docker-compose up

Setting up for production


The app expects Graphite to be accessible at the location set in the GRAPHITE_HOST environment variable.


The debug react server can be started with yarn start. By default it will proxy requests it does not understand to port 5000 where Flask is running.


The flask backend can be started with python -m api.


To build the HTML files for production use npm install && yarn build.

You must build the HTML before the Docker image, the HTML must be inside the Docker image so Flask can serve it.

By default, the app expects to find the HTML inside /app/build/*