- 3
Allow timeout on connect execute
#40 opened by walterddr - 1
expose more cursor.stats
#88 opened by walterddr - 0
- 0
Table names seem to get dropped from joins etc.
#98 opened by abloom - 1
- 0
Password logged when initializing dialect
#92 opened by pudom16 - 1
Query failed when '%' shows up in the literal
#10 opened by xiangfu0 - 1
Split extra header on first "="
#83 opened by yomikaze - 0
Yank the 5.1.0 release?
#86 opened by travis-cook-sfdc - 2
- 0
Update docs to use pinot broker for querying
#77 opened by mayankshriv - 3
Support gRPC + streaming for fetching records directly from Pinot servers in Pinot dbapi client
#67 opened by nizarhejazi - 2
Allow Pinotdb client to hit v2 engine
#52 opened by mndoping1 - 19
Support for nulls
#45 opened by abhi19gupta - 0
Expose query response statistics
#66 opened by nizarhejazi - 1
- 1
Make release a github action
#59 opened by xiangfu0 - 0
create a release pipeline
#49 opened by walterddr - 0
Missing ciso8601 in Pnnotdb 0.4.7
#47 opened by potiuk - 8
- 1
Clean up PY2 stuff and improve code structure
#36 opened by walterddr - 1
- 0
Create test suite and CI pipelines
#35 opened by walterddr - 2
- 4
Asyncio support
#23 opened by MrNeocore - 1
Improve schemas and tables list
#15 opened by dd-willgan - 0
- 3
'bool' object has no attribute 'lower'
#26 opened by zenhunt - 2
SQLAlchemy integration improvements
#21 opened by diogobaeder - 13
v0.3.6 Aggregates such as sum(val) are incorrectly quoted in double quotes in group by
#18 opened by pjpringle - 4
- 8
How does pinotdb handle Reserved words?
#16 opened by 0902horn - 3
Add username and password option for broker
#13 opened by dd-willgan - 1
- 2
Enhancement: Parse string results
#9 opened by MrNeocore - 1
Move to Pinot SQL Endpoint
#5 opened by xiangfu0