- 17
Windows Server Install: ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate
#112 opened by fdcastel - 4
Installing with Microsoft Store Python is confusing
#135 opened by crazytan - 2
This "Official Installer Script" fails on Windows
#146 opened by alexchandel - 3
Add poetry to `winget` for Windows installation
#129 opened by alexchandel - 0
Поделиться со ссылкой
#143 opened by serega00100 - 0
- 5
- 6
- 1
Verbose mode
#141 opened by sassanh - 2
Title: Installation error with Python 3.12.4 on Ubuntu 24.04 (WSL on Windows 11): "urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found"
#142 opened by NyankoAndMamenoki - 2
- 0
"out of pty devices" on Centos 7
#140 opened by gatlanticus - 9
- 1
- 1
- 3
Deps not upgraded when setting up Poetry's venv
#100 opened by kadams54 - 0
Hmmm newbie
#137 opened by blackhot123 - 0
Support IPv6 on
#136 opened by domrim - 7
Error: "curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired" when installing poetry via curl
#118 opened by yellowcandle - 18
- 2
#128 opened by serega00100 - 0
- 0
Network issues are hidden by the install script
#122 opened by 13steinj - 2
Cryptic error if python is out of date
#94 opened by wd60622 - 0
Install script prints misleading message when you already have the version specified by `--version`
#117 opened by seansfkelley - 2
Installer not working MacOS 13.3
#114 opened by rjalexa - 0
Installation of poetry in default location for macOS not working for framework builds
#110 opened by codectl - 0
How to add Poetry to PATH and how to uninstall Poetry
#109 opened by MaH-s9UFaXPEKdLafMHkSGgWUAupTA1xj78S9C7 - 0
- 6
Could not install on Termux
#107 opened by FortisVenture - 0
"FileNotFoundError" exception raised on Windows
#106 opened by KelSolaar - 2
- 1
- 0
Can not install Poetry on Ubuntu 20.04
#103 opened by voronind - 5
Installer script fails to install poetry
#102 opened by akhildevelops - 2
Install Poetry don't work: SyntaxError
#98 opened by Morena51 - 1
ModuleNotFound Error
#99 opened by ranjan-kumar - 0
- 1
Poetry installation fails: failure in installing cryptography package on Raspberry Pi 4
#96 opened by alonbudker-vayyar - 1
- 1
Can't download installer
#93 opened by grandpaslab - 2
- 1
Installation error using python 3.9.15
#91 opened by sameervk - 2
Poetry on Windows installing itself into Roaming AppData instead of Local AppData
#83 opened by danielniccoli - 1
- 0
Provide some lever for controlling installer error logging in CI environments
#80 opened by brian-dlee - 1
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- 2
Error then installing
#73 opened by Bogdan-Torkhov