Pinned issues
- 2
Client Validation
#397 opened by eljeffeg - 0
running `doctest` failes
#416 opened by d-chris - 0
- 1
- 1
[Question] validators.url() fails for valid URLs but has a `&` followed by a `?`
#406 opened by thakkerurvish - 1
Regex for email validation allows invalid emails
#410 opened by cwisdo - 1
- 5
Bitcoin Testnet Address
#404 opened by bert2002 - 7
- 3
.onion TLD
#401 opened by davidt99 - 1
- 0
- 2
url validator rejects some local URLs as invalid even though they should be valid
#392 opened by MidnightStallion - 10
[feature] add non-exhausive URI validation
#352 opened by yozachar - 8
URL Validation: Add support for other schemes apart from https, http, ftp
#327 opened by dvignacioglobal - 1
- 2
MYPY: "validators": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker
#326 opened by tofetpuzo - 5
- 2
0.28.2 sdist is missing `src/validators/_tld.txt`
#380 opened by mgorny - 2
' raises an error
#292 opened by ankitarya1019 - 7
url raising validation error on a valid url
#299 opened by kooshkya - 1
- 1
Finnish SSN Updates
#320 opened by ogencoglu - 4
- 5
[Question]: Are URL query strings containing keys without values invalid on purpose?
#363 opened by MaxDall - 10
Please distinguish between domain and FQDN
#307 opened by maaaaz - 5
Domains with underscores fail domain() check?
#364 opened by Quix0r - 1
Validate IP ranges
#314 opened by maaaaz - 4
`url(public = True)` is broken
#309 opened by haavardw - 3
Validate hash types
#313 opened by maaaaz - 1
domain validators allows underscores
#340 opened by Diman0 - 1
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- 7
url validator, exotic _wildcard_ issue
#315 opened by jeroengui - 0
Document breaking change regarding url(public=...)
#325 opened by hyperknot - 1
What happened to ipv4_cidr() ?
#328 opened by tristanlatr - 1
validators.length need min_val and max_val
#323 opened by prrvchr - 0
allow ptc-encoded entities in fragment
#316 opened by conitrade-as - 5
Localhost no longer recognized
#312 opened by 23pointsNorth - 1
- 2
between doesn't work with the number 0
#298 opened by scotttyso - 2
- 2
bug: `/#/` in URLs is failing validation
#288 opened by adrienthiery - 2
- 2
- 4
Why isn't `http://localhost:PORT` a valid URL?
#285 opened by Abuelodelanada - 1
IP address validation is failing if CIDR is included contrary to documentation
#287 opened by ddsulli1 - 2
module not found
#284 opened by AbdelrhmanUZaki