Afrim Data Repository

Latest afrim compatibility

All language codes should follows as possible the ISO 639-3.

Configuration for the Clafrica input method based on the Clafrica code of Resulam.

  • Clafrica code for single characters
  • Clafrica code for double characters

Clafrica extension for the Nufi language.

  • Nufi SMS
  • Date translator
  • Numerals translator

Configuration for the Ethiopic input method.

  • Ethiopic code

Configuration for the Geez input method.

  • Geez code
  • Geez punctuations
  • Numerals translators

Configuration for the Amharic input method.

  • Amharic code
  • Dictionary of Amharic names
  • Dictionary of frequently used Amharic words
  • Date translator

Configuration for the Bamun input method.