
Pyscanlogd3 is a port scan detection tool written in Python3

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


pyscanlogd3 (py-scan-log-dee-three) is a port scanning detection and logging tool written in Python3. It is derived from the original pyscanlogd - https://github.com/pythonhacker/pyscanlogd which only supports Python2.

The tool is able to detect vertical port scans. In other words, if any scanning tool performs multiple port scans using TCP/UDP/SCTP techniques on the same host, the tool can detect it.

At present, it doesn't detect horizontal port scans (single port scanned across multiple hosts) or single port scans (single port scanned in single host).


pyscanlogd3 can detect most port scan techniques available using nmap and some by hping3. It uses pypcap library for packet capturing and dpkt library for packet processing.


  1. A *nix (linux or similar) system with Python3 installed with support for sqlite3. The program is tested with Python3.11.
  2. Root (sudo) access

The program needs root privilges to listen to the network interfaces in promiscious mode.


  1. Checkout the source code
  2. Create a Python 3 virtualenv - Python 3.11 and higher are suggested.
  3. Inside the virtual env,
    • pip install -r requirements.txt
    • python setup.py install

Once installation is complete, you can run the program using pyscanlogd3 command.


Just running the program without any arguments,

$ pyscanlogd3
Scan logs will be saved to /var/log/pyscanlogd3.log
listening to [None]
duplicate scans will be logged
config => threshold: 8, timeout: 5s, bufsize: 8192
creating scan db /root/.config/pyscanlogd3/scan.db ...
scan db created.
listening on wlp0s20f3:

NOTE: The pyscanlogd3 is a shell-script which runs with sudo access. It may ask you for your password if required. There is no need to run it with sudo.

The program by default runs in medium threshold mode. Scans are logged to a sqlite3 database and on the console.

For detailed command line options,

$ pyscanlogd3 -h
usage: pyscanlogd3 [-h] [-f LOGFILE] [-l {max,high,medium,low}] [-i [INTERFACE ...]] [-I]

pyscanlogd3: Python3 port-scan detection program

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f LOGFILE, --logfile LOGFILE
						File to save logs to
  -l {max,high,medium,low}, --level {max,high,medium,low}
						Default threshold level for detection
  -i [INTERFACE ...], --interface [INTERFACE ...]
						The network interface(s) to listen to
  -I, --ignore_duplicates
						Ignore continued (duplicate) scans
  -q --quiet
                        Be quiet, no scans are logged to console,
						only to the logfile.

To listen to more than one interface, pass them to the -i option.

$ pyscanlogd3 -i wlp0s20f3 lo
Scan logs will be saved to /var/log/pyscanlogd3.log
listening to ['wlp0s20f3', 'lo']
duplicate scans will be logged
config => threshold: 8, timeout: 5s, bufsize: 8192
scan db /root/.config/pyscanlogd3/scan.db already exists.
listening on wlp0s20f3: 
listening on lo: 

For exiting press Ctrl-C. (once per interface).

listening on wlp0s20f3: 
listening on lo: 
^CPress Ctrl-C again to exit
stats for network interface: wlp0s20f3

1 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
^Cstats for network interface: lo

2 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

Scan detection and logging (nmap Examples)

While the program is running, try an nmap scan.

$ sudo nmap -sX nmap.org

You should see the scan detected and logged on the console.

[2024-08-25 19:36:14]: TCP Xmas scan (flags:41) from to (ports: [443, 80, 993, 1025, 1723])

As the scan continues, you will see more log lines like this as nmap scans more ports.

[2024-08-25 19:36:14]: Continuing TCP Xmas scan (flags:41) from to (ports: [22, 23, 587, 139])
[2024-08-25 19:36:16]: Continuing TCP Xmas scan (flags:41) from to (ports: [443, 8888, 110, 139, 587, 23, 22, 1723, 1025, 993, 1720, 5900, 3306, 3389, 143, 80, 113, 554, 199, 135, 8080, 21, 256])

The Continuing lines show a duplicate scan, i.e the same scan is detected as still running. To avoid detecting duplicate scans, you can pass the -I option.

Do another scan, this time an ACK scan.

$ sudo nmap -sA nmap.org

[2024-08-25 19:38:05]: TCP Ack scan (flags:16) from to (ports: [443, 1025, 8888, 113, 143, 111, 8080, 993, 23, 110, 21, 5900, 1723, 3389, 80, 25, 53, 135, 139, 445, 587, 256])

Let us do a UDP scan now.

$ sudo nmap -sU nmap.org

[2024-08-25 19:39:12]: UDP scan (flags:0) from to (ports: [36893, 40708, 5355, 20848, 8000, 43514, 215 68, 1434, 20164, 17824, 20154, 34555, 19017, 1900, 17487, 49158, 20560, 25337, 623, 20004, 997, 51972, 40539, 21333, 20, 45928,  1035, 49194, 177, 19161, 443, 50919, 30656, 43824, 16786, 34570, 33459, 518, 30718])

Scans are also logged to the scan db. By default this is created at /root/.config/pyscanlogd3/scan.db .

You can inspect the scans by opening the db.

$ sudo sqlite3 /root/.config/pyscanlogd3/scan.db
# Show all detected scans so far
sqlite> select distinct type from scan;
TCP Xmas
TCP Null
# Show all distinct scans originating from grouped by scan hash and type
sqlite> select src,dst,type,hash,timestamp,utc_timestamp from scan where src='' group by hash,type;||TCP Ack|3654|1724594885.92384|2024-08-25 14:08:05||TCP Null|3654|1724594941.4765|2024-08-25 14:09:01||TCP Xmas|3654|1724594774.34435|2024-08-25 14:06:14||UDP|3654|1724594952.29163|2024-08-25 14:09:12

NOTE: The tool right now ignores scans where src and dst IPs are the same.

Scans are also logged to a log file, by default /var/log/pyscalogd3.log. You can tail the file to see the logs.

$ sudo tail -f /var/log/
[2024-09-01 19:58:36]: TCP Syn scan (flags:2) from to (ports: 80,143,199,443,8888)
[2024-09-01 19:58:36]: Continuing TCP Syn scan (flags:2) from to (ports: 23,110,445,1025,3389)

Slow scan detection

The tool is able to detect slow scans as well. Use the -T option of nmap to try this out.

$ sudo nmap -sS -T2  nmap.org
[2024-08-25 19:43:27]: TCP Syn scan (flags:2) from to (ports: [256, 587, 3306, 23, 8080])

Paranod (-T0) and sneaky (-T1) scan types are very slow, so takes a while to detect.

Known Issues

  1. Detects spurious NULL TCP scans sometimes.
  2. Detects spurious NULL UDP scans sometimes.
  3. Slow scan detection is a work in progress.

Bugs and Suggestions

For bugs file issues in the project. For feedback checkout my email in setup.py.


The program is licensed under BSD 3-Clause license. Checkout LICENSE for details.