
Emacs minor mode for Django.

Primary LanguageEmacs LispGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Djangonaut Emacs Build Status

Emacs minor mode for Django.


This package is based on the introspection of your Django project. It executes Python code to get all necessary information about model, views, and templates inside INSTALLED_APPS. Works the same way for applications written by you and for third-party code installed with pip.

No more broken code conventions. No more flaky guesses about your project layout. If Django can understand it, Djangonaut can understand it.


Djangonaut mode provides following features

  • intelligent navigation in a Django project
  • management commands execution
  • works transparently with vagrant, docker and remote hosts

Supported Python Versions

2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6

Supported Django Versions

1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 2.0


All you need to do is install the package from Melpa

M-x package-install RET djangonaut RET


Djangonaut minor mode available in all buffers related to current django project (python and html files, dired buffers). First of all enable minor mode:

M-x global-djangonaut-mode RET

Now you need to configure Emacs environment to run your django project. For example, run-python command should be able to run django shell. Emacs require to know three things:

  • path to the python interpreter or virtual environment
  • location of the project
  • django settings module of your project

Path to the interpreter

Django itself is a python package you usually install with pip. If you install Django into your system globally with apt or yum you can skip this section. But most of times python packages are installed somewhere else like virtual environment on your host, inside Docker container or virtual machine orchestrated by Vagrant.

If you setup project inside virtual environment, use this command to tell Emacs where it can find an interpreter:

M-x pythonic-activate RET /path/to/your/venv/ RET

If you use Docker or Docker Compose for development, open any of the project files using tramp. Optionally you can specify interpreter location inside container. Also you need to install docker-tramp package to use remote interpreter this way.

C-x C-f /docker:root@container:/app/config/urls.py
;; Optionally...
M-x set-variable RET python-shell-interpreter RET "/usr/local/bin/python"

If you use Vagrant for development, first of all add your ssh key to the trusted list in your VM, so you will not be annoyed with password prompt pops up frequently. Then open any project file in the running virtual machine.

;; SSH config (done once).
ssh-copy-id vagrant@localhost -p 2222
;; Open project file (each time at the begging).
C-x C-f /ssh:vagrant@localhost#2222:/app/config/urls.py

Optionally point Emacs to the remote interpreter this way

M-x set-variable RET python-shell-interpreter RET "/usr/bin/python" RET

Path to the project

The key point here - provided python interpreter should be able to import modules from your project. There is a lot of options here. You can use setuptools to wrap your project into proper python package and install it into editable mode

pip install -e .

You can use pth file to include project location into interpreter import path

echo $PWD > venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/project.pth

Or you can use old plain PYTHONPATH environment variable to tell Emacs where to look for your project

M-x set-variable RET python-shell-extra-pythonpaths RET '("/path/to/the/project/")

In case you use Docker you can also set this variable directly inside container either with command line arguments or via environment key of the docker compose file

docker run -e PYTHONPATH=/code/ web django-admin runserver

Settings module

Also Emacs needs to know your django settings module. We can provide it the same way as we do with project path via environment variable

M-x set-variable RET python-shell-process-environment RET '("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=project.settings")

And in the case of docker you can setup this variable inside container directly or with compose file environment key

docker run -e DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=project.settings web ...

Configuration via .dir-locals.el

Another way to set the above variables is via directory variables. The values you set will then be valid when editing all files in the directory where .dir-locals.el is located and all directories underneath that one. To set the same values as in the examples above, we would use the following .dir-locals.el file:

  (python-shell-process-environment . ("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=project.settings"))
  (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths . ("/path/to/the/project/"))
  (python-shell-virtualenv-root . "/path/to/your/venv/")))

Note that you should specify nil for the major-mode specification in the directory variables, indicating that the values will be valid in all Emacs buffers associated with files under the directory, not just, say, buffers of open Python files.


If you open file or directory related to the project, you should see Django minor mode is activated for this buffer. Note, you should open project files over tramp method, if you use remote interpreter. For example, open /docker:root@container:/code/manage.py instead of manage.py on the local host.

Project navigation

Key Command
C-c ' M djangonaut-find-model-manager
C-c ' S djangonaut-find-settings-module
C-c ' a djangonaut-find-admin-class
C-c ' c djangonaut-find-management-command
C-c ' h djangonaut-find-template-filter
C-c ' g djangonaut-find-template-tag
C-c ' i djangonaut-dired-installed-apps
C-c ' j djangonaut-find-static-file
C-c ' m djangonaut-find-model
C-c ' n djangonaut-find-migration
C-c ' p djangonaut-find-drf-permission
C-c ' q djangonaut-find-sql-function
C-c ' r djangonaut-find-signal-receiver
C-c ' s djangonaut-find-drf-serializer
C-c ' f djangonaut-find-form
C-c ' w djangonaut-find-widget
C-c ' t djangonaut-find-template
C-c ' u djangonaut-find-url-module
C-c ' v djangonaut-find-view
C-c ' d djangonaut-find-middleware

All navigation commands can open definitions in the other window. For example use C-c ' 4 m to open model definition in the other window.

Run management commands

Use C-c ' ! to run management command in the comint buffer. You can call it with prefix argument C-u to set command arguments via interactive menu.