
Docker container with Firefox, SSH server, and RDP support

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Docker container with Firefox, SSH server, and RDP support


Massive shoutout to the OG who created this lovely container: @arktronic via Doing terrible things with Docker | trycatch.dev

This container gives you a minimal GUI environment based on LXDE on top of Ubuntu, with some niceties thrown in. supervisord is used to control startup processes. A syslog daemon logs everything to Docker's logs. Cron is installed as well.

NOTE: You must use --init in order to have a stable running container. Otherwise, dead processes will not be reaped and you will eventually run out of resources.

To access remotely, either SSH or RDP into the container. The username and password, by default, are both admin.


  • Start container with standard RDP and SSH ports exposed
    # start container with RDP port and n shared memory
    docker run -d -p 3389:3389 --init --shm-size=2g ghcr.io/pythoninthegrass/docker_graphical:latest
  • Connect via RDP
    • Open MS Remote Desktop
    • Create a new connection
    • Set hostname as localhost (i.e.,
    • Create new credentials
      • Default is
        • User: admin
        • Pass: admin

  • Connect via SSH
    # TODO


  • Issues
  • Finish Quickstart
    • Currently doesn't work with default 22/tcp port or 172.17.0.* IP
    • Might need to explicitly add bridge network
  • Update Dockerfile
    • Bump OS to 22.04
    • heredoc vs. RUN
  • Add compose.yml
  • Pre-commit hooks
  • Add ansible playbook for Ubuntu