Here you will learn how to create a login system for Express applications secured with 2FA using Authy.
Learn more about this code in our interactive code walkthrough.
Create a free Authy account if you don't have one already, and then connect it to your Twilio account.
This project is built using the Express web framework.
First clone this repository and
into it.$ git clone $ cd authy2fa-node
Install the dependencies.
$ npm install
Make sure you have installed MongoDB. If on a Mac, you can use this guide to install it.
Export the environment variables.
You can find your Authy Api Key for Production at
$ export AUTHY_API_KEY=Your Authy API Key
Run the server.
$ node .
Alternatively you might also consider using nodemon for this. It works just like the node command, but automatically restarts your application when you change any source code files.
$ npm install -g nodemon $ nodemon .
Expose your application to the wider internet using ngrok. You can click here for more details. This step is important because the application won't work as expected if you run it through localhost.
$ ngrok http 3000
Once ngrok is running, open up your browser and go to your ngrok URL.
It will look something like this:
Go to your On the menu to the right you'll find the Settings. Go to OneTouch settings and update the Endpoint/URL with the endpoint you created. Something like this:
If you deployed this application to Heroku, the the Endpoint/URL should look like this:
Hit the button!
That's it!
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- MIT License
- Lovingly crafted by Twilio Developer Education.