
Simulink Library for Silicon Photonics Systems Simulation


Silicon Photonics Simulink Toolbox Version 1.0 02/04/2017

1. SiPhotonics.slx is the main library that contains basic blocks for optical simulation.
2. Matlab scripts for launching Simulink examples are contained in the scripts folder

> Ring modulator example:
  Run ring_mod_link_sim.m

> Mach Zehnder modulator (MZM) example:
  Run mzm_link_sim.m

> Ring filter with thermal/self-heating effects
  Run ring_filter_sim.m

4. Analytical models are also included for device design and optimization. 
> Ring modulator analytical model:
  Run ring_mod_analytic.m
> MZM analytical model:
  Run mzm_analytic.m

Creator: Sen Lin
Email: senlin@berkeley.edu
Group: Integrated Systems Group (ISG), EECS, UC BERKELEY