Awesome Django Blogs


  1. Weblog
  2. Django Tricks
  3. Django Stars
  4. WS Vincent Blogs
  5. Coding for Enterpreneurs
  6. Brobin Blogs
  7. Matt Layman
  8. Simple is better than Complex
  9. Haki Benita
  10. Study Gyaan
  11. Classy Class-Based Views
  12. Classy Django REST Framework
  13. Arun Rocks
  14. Daniel Roy Greenfeld (pydanny)
  15. Full Stack Python - (Django, Templates, DRF, ORM)
  16. Lacey Williams Henschel
  17. Revsys
  18. Jacob Kaplan-Moss
  19. Pyphilly
  20. Nicole Harris
  21. Marina Mele
  22. OverIQ
  23. Lincoln Loop
  24. Arjun Adhikari
  25. Ru Singh
  26. Simon Willison on Django
  27. Django Tutorials


  1. Data Flair
  2. Django Admin Cookbook
  3. Django ORM Cookbook
  4. Building APIs with Django and Django Rest Framework
  5. Django Projects Cookbook
  6. Django Design Patterns
  7. Django Gotchas
  8. Building Multi Tenant Applications with Django

Medium Publications

  1. Saleor
  2. Mirumee Labs
  3. Django Rest Framework Real World Projects
  4. Dreipol
  5. Django & Rest
  6. Instawork Engineering
  7. 3YourMind
  8. Django Doctor
  9. Rafael Salimov
  10. Gautam Rajeev Singh
  11. Jeff Triplett

General Blogs


  1. How to write Django queries that are 35 times faster
  2. Django Best Practices — Refactoring Django Fat Models
  3. Best practices working with Django models in Python


  1. Tips for Building High-Quality Django Apps at Scale


  1. Customizing Admin Panel in Django using Django Jet Reboot


  1. Django Websocket with SocketIO


  1. Set up Google login to sign up users on Django


  1. Python/Django developer roadmap


  1. The easiest way to send emails with Django (using SES from AWS)


  1. Test Driven Development of a Django RESTful API
  2. Testing in Django (Part 1) – Best Practices and Examples


  1. Dynamic fields in Django Rest Framwork serializers
  2. Test Driven Development of a Django RESTful API
  3. Django React Setup – Best Project Structure


  1. Using django-extensions to visualize the database diagram in django application
  2. Starter Django Cheat Sheet


  1. Go Live with Django & Heroku
  2. Configuring Django Apps for Heroku
  3. How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 18.04


  1. Adding Social Authentication to Django
  2. Create your own custom user model in Django


  1. Upload multiple images to a post in Django
  2. Daniel Roy Greenfeld's articles on forms