
`sudo unminimize` fails with `trying to overwrite /etc/systemd/sleep.conf which is also in package nvidia-l4t-init`

anticitizn opened this issue · 0 comments

Trying to run sudo unminimize on a Jetson Nano 4 GB with Ubuntu 22.04 fails because of some minor package conflict over sleep.conf and nvidia-l4t-init. Here's an aggregated solution based on the comments in #97 for posterity.

Download systemd's .deb file:

sudo apt-get --reinstall --download-only install systemd
cd /var/cache/apt/archives/

Now run ls, find out the exact filename and run

dpkg -i --force-overwrite systemd_exact_version_goes_here.deb

After this, sudo unminimize should run successfully and sleep.conf shouldn't cause you any more troubles.