- 1
ImportError: cannot import name 'detr_resnet50' from 'torchvision.models.detection' (C:\Users\Alex\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\torchvision\models\detection\
#354 opened by Ruziy - 2
Multiprocessing leads to Module Not Found error if absolute imports are used in modules
#353 opened by sammlapp - 1
Output is not segmented
#352 opened by sujalFlash - 1
#351 opened by fasp-2023 - 2
improved yolov5
#331 opened by fasp-2023 - 1
- 2
- 2
why my model is not showing in the pytorch website
#346 opened by tahmeedtoqi - 1
- 0
Training deeplabv3_resnet50 help
#342 opened by corey-dawson - 0
#341 opened by MOSHARRAF203 - 3
Links broken on Pytorch-Transformers page
#339 opened by afifaniks - 3
Proposal for consistency in wording `ImageNet`
#336 opened by cpprhtn - 1
using static dowloaded .pt small model for predictionas , encountering this isssue : prediction = midas(input_batch) TypeError: 'collections.OrderedDict' object is not callable
#337 opened by harry9425 - 1
Failing CI jobs
#317 opened by NicolasHug - 0
failed CI test
#333 opened by cpprhtn - 1
Change the patch size
#300 opened by MuneebMuhammad - 2
Failed in running Tacotron2(NVIDA)
#321 opened by fengbaoyihao3000 - 4
Need help on how to contribute
#328 opened by Coderx7 - 1
Imagenet Pytorch Model Classes serial vs HF imagenet dataset classes serial
#325 opened by yesdeepakmittal - 1
Extension of Torch Hub
#320 opened by 17sid - 2
Reported accuracy mismatch for `vgg11_bn`
#313 opened by nps1ngh - 0
Reported accuracies may go outdated
#318 opened by NicolasHug - 0
CI doesn't run CircleCI jobs
#297 opened by NicolasHug - 0
Colab tutoral doesn't work
#312 opened by podturkinalex - 1
Model from URl
#294 opened by ChrisDelClea - 1
RuntimeError: Unknown builtin op: aten::reflection_pad3d while using silero models
#299 opened by mobassir11 - 3
Issue loading a model from torch.hub
#291 opened by johnsutor - 0
TODO Before (or right after) release
#287 opened by NicolasHug - 5
silero usage of `torch.stft`
#283 opened by vmoens - 1
Fix all `.md` files to set "trust_repo=True"
#276 opened by NicolasHug - 0
Update all torchvision version to 0.13
#285 opened by NicolasHug - 0
Update all torchvision calls to use `weights=` instead of `pretrained=True`
#282 opened by NicolasHug - 0
Netlify broken again
#278 opened by NicolasHug - 2
Silero models are failing
#267 opened by NicolasHug - 1
- 3
- 2
cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
#264 opened by 1ssb - 1 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory silero model error on heroku
#262 opened by sekpona1-crypto - 0
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bitarray'
#263 opened by 1ssb - 5
- 1
404 for pre-trained ResNeXt models
#252 opened by eric-mitchell - 2
How to use hub if don't have network?
#254 opened by Skypow2012 - 2
- 3
Document error (
#244 opened by puhuk - 1
Error when submitting PR
#246 opened by puhuk - 7
demo not working for Translation: TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
#237 opened by wise-east - 1
Contribute a model to pytorh_hub
#226 opened by Riser6 - 1
- 4