Pinned issues
- 8
- 12
Not able to download files and getting the following error in socket creation
#142 opened by malinazakat - 2
- 1
pytr dl_docs produces thousands of errors
#147 opened by tjalb - 2
websockets 14.1 produces error
#143 opened by tjalb - 5
Export Account Transactions has wrong tax
#141 opened by ralfescher - 18
Customizable destination folder structure
#98 opened by b166er - 4
- 2
- 2
UnboundLocalError: cannot access local variable 'subscription' where it is not associated with a value
#124 opened by psysxet - 0
MINOR: Some files contain leading blanks, where than nextcloud complains, and hopefully small feature request
#137 opened by fft1010 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
Some TR events are not handled
#131 opened by RealCLanger - 9
Looking for (co-)maintainers
#72 opened by marzzzello - 0
Key Error while parsing Shares and Fees.
#127 opened by BjBe82 - 12
Missing interest payments
#116 opened by felixeichler - 2
Regression: number of shares (Anteile) is parsed incorrectly if thousands separator is involved
#125 opened by egorlukomsky - 0
more date and time variables for the file name
#113 opened by b166er - 0
- 2
portfolio_history is not working
#69 opened by migdias - 2
logfile for debug-mode
#105 opened by b166er - 2
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'subscription' referenced before assignment
#108 opened by pgoodbread - 2
event.shares has €-sign and causes an error decimal.InvalidOperation in -> format_decimal(event.shares
#104 opened by b166er - 2
Formatting improvement
#96 opened by Trefex - 1
Add card transactions into csv automatically
#97 opened by aydinseven7 - 1
Download transactions from date
#86 opened by xinomoreno - 0
- 1
Names of Files and their Folders changed
#91 opened by kellerkind87 - 3
release is not visible in package manager
#88 opened by kellerkind87 - 15
- 8
- 16
#71 opened by mor3dr3ad - 2
Export investments as CSV
#60 opened by LucEast - 9
Crypto gets timeout
#48 opened by GordonInDaHouse - 2
Saveback documents are not downloaded
#67 opened by tjalb - 4
Not all Filess Included
#41 opened by MoinSchmoin - 4
pytr portfolio gets stuck while unsubscribeing
#61 opened by LucEast - 4
last_days command seems to have no effect
#40 opened by V0xxel - 1
problem with --last_days reproducable
#52 opened by fft1010 - 2
- 1
TypeError for timestamp
#78 opened by HSGEV - 9
Support for Visa Card transactions
#53 opened by MartinScharrer - 1
Provide pre-build binaries
#59 opened by yubiuser - 5
ValueError: Connection Error: failed 31
#51 opened by Maverik5124 - 2
pytr dl_docs --last_days 7 docs does not DL PDF, although they are there (checked online with TR)
#47 opened by fft1010 - 1
Connection Error on dl_docs
#49 opened by tomraley - 2
- 20