- 2
safety scan results in Unhandled exception happened: Invalid specifier: '<.0.13.4' - for package requests
#2372 opened by sbxmichaelm - 0
MLflow vulnerability is incorrectly reported as >=2.9.2 when it is really <=2.9.2
#2371 opened by benglewis - 2
False Positive for scrapy Vulnerability
#2365 opened by Matthew-Grayson - 1
- 2
dparse v0.6.1 showing as im
#2357 opened by Mr-McBride - 1
Question: why was the vulnerability on jsonpickle<=1.4.1 removed in last november?
#2368 opened by Lucas-C - 1
False positive for CVE-2023-6129
#2370 opened by nils-van-zuijlen - 0
Safety Django link in the README is broken
#2369 opened by Anupya - 2
Automatic release each month
#2334 opened by pawamoy - 2
- 1
insecure-package is no longer returned as vulnerable
#2364 opened by awsbillz - 1
safetydb website given in Readme is down 404
#2362 opened by scattered-development - 0
Unable to install with Pipenv
#2361 opened by chandanch - 1
Auto monthly pypi push
#2348 opened by chriswhite199 - 1
Zulip : wrong version evaluation
#2359 opened by parlamonbot - 1
- 1
- 1
Missing May update?
#2355 opened by connorbode - 10
- 1
47833: You report that click is vulnerable, but the authors dont know about it?
#2354 opened by leberknecht - 3
Optimade v0.16.9 listed incorrectly as unsafe
#2350 opened by JPBergsma - 1
update db more often
#2352 opened by Niccolum - 3
Numpy fails safety
#2349 opened by shernshiou - 1
Documentation: what *is* a PVE?
#2345 opened by sparrowt - 3
Kombu, sendgrid: false positives, shouldn't safety mark sources as vulnerable?
#2347 opened by m-aciek - 1
sendgrid vulnerability should have lower limit
#2344 opened by m-aciek - 2
Package `tensorflow < 2.7` incorrectly listed as vulnerable for all versions
#2342 opened by bswami50 - 1
False Positive for KeplerGL
#2340 opened by kopp - 5
Package `bleach` has no versions `3.11` or `3.12`
#2341 opened by LincolnPuzey - 1
- 0
Keyword list used to search changelogs
#2339 opened by nasifimtiazohi - 6
- 2
Package `dash` has no version 2.2.0
#2336 opened by alexcjohnson - 2
Getting error as FAILED. Kindly help for the solution
#2324 opened by hemantloni - 1
- 3
- 1
- 5
Lost CVE attributes for 37863 and 39602
#2328 opened by damiencarol - 1
- 1
Multiple tensorflow issues for the same check
#2326 opened by zionsofer - 1
Instana vulnerable versions not valid for Python
#2327 opened by iwt-kschoenrock - 3
Invalid value for `cve` at insecure_full.json
#2323 opened by sbs2001 - 4
DOC/Question: What is the relationship between safety-db and NVD (National Vulnerability Database)?
#2322 opened by MartinThoma - 4
- 3
Python dependency is compared to the wrong project
#2318 opened by normoes - 1
- 1
Should malicious libraries also be included in safety-db?
#2319 opened by exhuma - 4
python-semantic-release finding
#2315 opened by wyardley - 2
Under-described Django issue 38650
#2317 opened by l0b0 - 1
Add CVE-2019-1010083 for Flask < 1.0
#2316 opened by jamespic