
Attempt to add mtom support for soap services, like a zeep client

Primary LanguagePython


Sources on GitHub: github.com/pyutil/pymtom.

About state of this package

Warning: This package at first publishing is just alfa version.
    It could work, it could fail on some detail, it could fail with heavy things unsolved.
    The reason is that it is big problem to find a correct and free accessible SOAP MTOM service for development.
    So, give a try and go away, or (of course better) send a Merge Request.

Warning: My knowledges about SOAP and MTOM are low.
    I will be not very helpfull with future development if there will be any.
    If somebody more oriented in SOAP will create Merge Request it could be nice,
    otherwise you cannot wait something new here in the future.

However I see that we have no MTOM support in Python SOAP servers (Spyne) and no MTOM creating support in Python Zeep library.
So maybe this work can be a little usefull? I'm sorry if not.

Why this package?

SOAP support in Python is weak.

Zeep as client: Has MTOM support for incomming message, lacks support for outgoing message.
    (see MessagePack object described here: https://docs.python-zeep.org/en/master/attachments.html)

Spyne as server: Has MTOM support for incomming message, lacks support for outgoing message.     (see spyne/protocol/soap/mime.py)

This package should create and parse the MTOM message.
For parse we just proxy to Zeep's support, no idea if it works correctly.

How to use this package

For mtom_parse this package uses internally Zeep library.
That means that you can use their support directly.
Not sure if their support run well or not.
mtom_parse gives just different result structures - the values have fixed type, while in Zeep you will receive a plain xml or MultiPack.

For mtom_create we

  • take a xml message,
  • add files as binary attachments,
  • create a http header include mimetypes for each part,
  • replaces text b"cid:{cid}" in a xml message for each attachment,
  • return
    • the content of message
    • updating dict for wrapping http header

As an usage example we can take the usage from Zeep.
mtom_create is here wrapped into Transport class MTOMTransport which will

  • take a message prepared for requests call

  • modify it (see mtom_create above),

  • update outer headers using update_headers obtained from mtom_create,

  • call requests for POST

      files = ["tmp/black.png", "tmp/white.png"]
      transport = MTOMTransport()  # older style (files=files) you can still use here
      client = zeep.Client(
      params = {
      	"fileName_1": "dark.png",
      	"imageData_1": "cid:{cid}",  # will change to <xop:Include href="cid:1">
      	"fileName_2": "light.png",
      	"imageData_2": "cid:{cid}",  # will change to <xop:Include href="cid:2">

Usage from Django and Zeep:
You can add a logger:

"zeep.transports": {
	"level": env("LOGLEVEL_SOAP_ZEEP", default="INFO"),  # DEBUG pro logování
	"handlers": ["console"],
	"propagate": True,

and then you can call

LOGLEVEL_SOAP_ZEEP=DEBUG ./manage.py runserver
LOGLEVEL_SOAP_ZEEP=DEBUG pytest -s -k mtom  # if you have test_mtom() which instantiate zeep.Client and call some its service

Notes: How this package was created?

# outside of venv (which results to the debian system python as version in pyproject.toml) :
pyenv 3.7.16  # lowest supported python version will be: 3.7
poetry new pymtom
cd pymtom/
# not made, but probably would be good: touch poetry.toml , content:
#	[virtualenvs]
#	create = true
#	in-project = true
poetry shell
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
touch README.md  # https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/
touch .gitignore
#	__pycache__/
#	*.py[cod]
#	.idea
#	.vscode/
#	.history/
#	dist/
touch pymtom/create.py
touch pymtom/parse.py
# add names which you want import easily into pymtom/__init__.py: from .pymtom.create import mtom_create, from .pymtom.parse import mtom_parse
poetry build
# install for package development from outside, via pip:
pip install -e ../<path>/pymtom/ (revert via: pip uninstall pymtom)

# empty repo pyutils/pymtom created; don't initialized with anything
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin git@github-pyutil-account:pyutil/pymtom.git
git config --local user.name "pyutil"
git push -u origin main  # if `push` fails kill temporary the agent: eval $(ssh-agent -k)
# so instead of github.com Host directly, we use the github-pyutil-account Host defned in ~/.ssh/config
#   with `HostName github.com` and `IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_...` where corresponding public key (.pub) is uploaded to GitHub

# add into pyproject.toml [tool.poetry]: readme = "README.md"  # https://python-poetry.org/docs/pyproject/#readme
# add token from your account on PyPI web: poetry config pypi-token.pypi pypi-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# bump version? in pymtom/__init__.py & pyproject.toml
# commit+push
rm -rf dist/
poetry build  # or together: poetry publish --build
# zkontrolovat dist/
# (pip install pkginfo:) pkginfo dist/pymtom... must have `description` and `description_content_type` (thx readme=..)
poetry publish
# [pypi.org/project/pymtom/](https://pypi.org/project/pymtom/)

What is new?


Earlier versions in Zeep scenario were able to add files during instantiating of transport class only: MTOMTransport(files=files).
To repair this bad design decision you have now the method .add_files() of the transport class which you can use before each service call.
Docs were updated.