
Ansible recipe to secure ubuntu installation on digital ocean

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Ansible recipe to secure ubuntu installation on digital ocean


This recipie works perfectly fine with the following:

  • ansible 1.7.2

  • distribution

     Distributor ID:  Debian
     Description:    Debian GNU/Linux testing (stretch)
     Release:    testing
     Codename:   stretch
  • digitalocean instance setup with a ssh-key

Steps to use

Please change the instance ip before using the these instructions.

  • if you don't have whois installed, then install it by sudo apt-get install whois

  • Create a sudo password for the ubuntu user

     mkpasswd --method=SHA-512

    this will ask you for a password enter the password you intend to give to the ubuntu user and keep the output for further use. Lets name it our_ubuntu_passwod.

  • use the following command to run this recipie:

     ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml --extra-vars="ssh_port=22" --extra-vars="ubuntu_sudo_password=our_ubuntu_password"
     > make sure your inside secure_do directory
     (e.g) ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts --extra-vars='ssh_port=22' --extra-vars='ubuntu_sudo_password=$6$qzYuUSMNbNW$NZQUHLkYwrLFv//y7K9SQktwejlvlJz2laq1VOCRzrt4fdVzStS5jSTemwcBQqP.O54MHD0974RU.XvkzeYSW.'

    after this playbook is run use the following commmand to connect to the system.

     ssh ubuntu@instance-ip
     ssh -p ssh_port ubuntu@instance-ip