- Open
and run following command
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
- Open Powershell and run following command
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
- Extract Project if you have downloaded as zip file
cd flask_ims
poetry install
poetry run flask --debug --app main run
poetry run flask --debug --app chapter1.main run
poetry run flask --debug --app chapter2.main run
poetry run flask --debug --app chapter3.main run
poetry install
poetry run flask --debug --app chapter4.main run
poetry run flask --debug --app chapter5.main run
poetry install
poetry run flask --app chapter6.main create-admin admin@example.net admin123
poetry run flask --debug --app chapter6.main run
poetry run flask --app chapter7.main create-admin admin@example.net admin123
poetry run flask --debug --app chapter7.main run
- chapter 1: flask basics
- chapter 2: flask routes and templates
- chapter 3: simple login with flask session
- chapter 4: flask login
- chapter 5: add user and item, list user and item
- chapter 6: use persistent database, pony orm with sqlite, use cli command
- chapter 7: activate and deactivate user, user and admin permissions
- chapter 8: borrow and return item
- chapter 9: misc
Admin Add User User: (user-id, email, password, role, fullname, is_active, datetime) Borrowed Items: (item-id, status, datetime) status: Pending, Received, Returning, Returned Add Item Item: (item-id, name, count) Deactivate User Reactivate User Accept Borrow request Acknowledge return request List all items List all users List all items borrowed by a user
User Borrow Item (pending) Return Item (pending) List my items
Cli command to create super user Dashboard based on user role ( Admin -> User )