
Integration between Oscar and Stripe

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Stripe integration for django-oscar

This repo just supports Stripe Checkout at the moment. Although it should work with Stripe.js equally well, it has only been used with Checkout so far. It isn't complete yet. For instance, it currently doesn't support checkout with the stripe customer parameter.

This package provides integration between Stripe and Oscar. It is currently a work-in-progress - contributions are welcome. Any questions, please use the Oscar mailing list: django-oscar@googlegroups.com

Useful information:


Clone the repo, create a virtualenv and run:

make install

to install all dependencies. Run the tests with:


There is a sandbox site that you can browse and use to test the Stripe integration. Create is using:

make sandbox

and browse it after:

cd sandbox
./manage.py runserver


  • Create a "Stripe transaction" model that tracks each request/response to Stripe's servers