Piper Thunstrom
It's more likely than you think!
Types, In My Python? is an analysis of Python's unique relationship to typing systems.
I will start by examining Python's strange dual nature: A dynamically typed scripting language that more or less works as expected. A strongly typed language with strict limits on what you can do with an object, and now able to statically analyze your usages to make sure you're doing things right.
Following that, I will examine some of the concepts we talk about as a community in more detail. What do we mean by "duck typing", and how does it apply in light of Python's dual nature? Why is it static analysis, and not static typing?
To end, I will make a proposal regarding the best method to use both sides of Python's type > system. The goal is to accelerate your development and reduce tedium. Is there a happy middle ground between strict static typing and a dynamic free-for-all?
Discussion of dynamic vs strong typing
Rust as ex of strong typing
Two categories:
- strongly vs weakly typed
- Dynamically typed vs statically typed
Both are spectrums
Python is a dynamic language thats failly strongly typed
(ex: string + int == error)
Duck typing
Protocols, other words: Interface or Contract
Josh Cannon at Northbay Python: youtube link CSpzTxS8B0
Type Hinting
- support satic analysis of your python code
- Makes tools work better
- Provides us the Protocol type for declarative structural typing
static analysis is not static typing (optionality)
Python is strongly typed (uses runtime system to enfroce correctness), Python likes protocols)
"The more specific the type hyint, the better the tools can do their jobs"
- make your return types a s concrete as possible (ex
) - declarative data tyeps
- Dataclasses
- NamedTuple
- TypedDict
- other useful tools
- typing.Union (or type1 | type2)
- typing.Optional (or type1 | None)
- Parameters
- You want the leas t specific type your code can handle
- Use standard library protocols
- Mapping
- Sequience
- Iterable
- Previously mentioned tools
- TypedDict
- Unions
- Worst case, use Protocol to define exactly what shape your data needs to be
(discussion of typevars & generics)
"Good type hinting is like good testing" -- interesting analogy
Do your best while writing, reap the benefits of this later
Ian Zelikman
Whenever we write code we eventually make mistakes and have “bugs”. We employ many techniques including testing and reviews to avoid them but some mistakes still make it into production. But what are the most famous "bugs"? How they happened and is there something common we can learn from them?
Can benefit from learning from past mistakes
Wikipedia defn
Some discussion of history of the term "bug" or "buggy", goes back farther than the Grace Hopper physical bug in a mainframe
1998, collect info about past mars climate, etc
Lost contact after 9 months
Use of metric unit in thrusters vs imperical units used by Nasa
$320M dollar loss
L/M got spec from Nasa, but they didn't follow the spec. But Nasa Ack'd & put blame on internal testing procedures that should have found the errro much sooner
Bug ticket was filed early, but not proioritized correctly
1996, 1st launche of the rocket, carrying 4 sattelites
Guidiances system had overflow bug
$370M loss, between rocket & sattelites
Software package used reliably in one system, reused in a different context, and in this case it broke.
Backup system should have kicked in, but in this case backup system suffered from same issue
1990, had outage lasting 9 hours
Substantial PR damange to company, $60M lost revenue, $70M from calls not placed
Patriot missles
1990's, 1991, in Saudi Aribia in US Air Force base
Iraqi missle fired to base, patriot missle failed to intercept (at Dahhran)
Long running system, internal clock, precision error had overflow
This was accounted for, but only applied in one of the two places it needed to be
28 people dead, 110 injured, mostly reserve duty personel
8 hour for resetart, system was running for 100 hours
Sep 26, 1983, russian detected false alarm of missles coming from US
Value of Human Intervention & supervision/coherence check
Jeremiah Paige
Python holds no secrets about your code; except perhaps how to access that information. in this talk you'll find out how to discover almost any information about running python code.
Introduction (2 minutes) techniques work equally in normal execution, interactive mode, or when debugging. start with the obvious tools like print() before going deeper Name discovery (5 minutes) discover names that will resolve in the current scope discover attributes on a random object Description discovery (5 minutes) how does this object choose to represent itself get back author notes at runtime Type discovery (5 minutes) what is this thing how does this thing relate to other object Code discovery (5 minutes) start using the inspect module lookup signature of callables find exact location in py file object was defined Conclusion (2 minutes) >typically, all information available while reading code i also available when running the code don't be afraid to peek inside python
Examine running code without source available
Use of locals()
& globals()
Use of some of the various tools in a REPL like type
, ``callable` etc
Dig into deeper with the inspect
is neat
INtrospection axioms
- names resolve inner to outer most scope
- everything is an object
- atrribute lookup is based on heritance
Scope Resolution
Names resolve in LEGB order:
- Local
- Enclosing
- Global
- Builtin
Is there a builtin to query Enclosing?
Run through of how the inspect module works
Koushik Krishnan
Jupyter notebooks are awesome! However, a notebook on its own is not a product or a service. Bridging this gap usually involves a complete rewrite into a web service that leaves behind all the awesome-ness of the notebook. What if we didn't have to do this? That's where Jupyrest comes in! Jupyrest is a library I created to solve this exact problem for my team at Microsoft. In this talk I'll show you how you can turn your Jupyter notebooks into a web service without any modifications to it. Jupyrest is being used at Microsoft by data scientists to deploy hundreds of microservices.
Serverless in a nutshell
- deploy my code "as is"
- Autmoatic:
- scaling
- auth
- monitoring
- Deply jupyter notbooks as serverless "notebook functions"
- define in/out contracts for notebooks
- Deved at MS in production since 2020
"Notebook Functions"
- id
- input schema
- output schema
Joshua Cannon
You can make many methods Over 100 to be exact That start with two underscores What do you think of that?
The runtime, it calls these At points A or B To do special magic At runtime, you see.
You may have seen getattr or init But rfloordiv? What’s the point of it?
Storytime at Pycascades
Super entertaining talk.
Mayank Jindal
In the dynamic field of machine learning, MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) has emerged as a crucial discipline combining aspects of machine learning, data science and operations. This talk aims to demystify MLOps differentiating it from traditional DevOps practices and highlighting its growing importance.
(virtual talk)
Machine Learning definition
- Machine learning operations
- Set of practices to to build deploy & maintain machine learning models
Why MLops
- Speed to deployment
- Operational efficience
- Enahance collaboration
- scalability
- governance
MLOps vs DevOps
- model vs code
- continuous training
- data dependency
- monitoring & performance
Model versioning
*tracking and managing changes to models over time
Drishti Jain
Embark on a thrilling journey into the realm of game development where the elegance of Python meets the excitement of interactive experiences! In this talk, I will unravel the captivating world of Python game development, exploring the tools, techniques, and creative possibilities that make Python a formidable language for crafting immersive games.
- Collision Detection
- Rendering
- Game loops
- physics
Worked through example of building a snake clone (caterpillar) using turtle & tk
Quick overview libraries for game dev (Pygame, Panda3D, Arcade, Pyglet, Godot Engine), and some pros/cons
Deeper dive on PyGame
Trent Hauck
Python is an excellent language, in part because of how accessible it is. This accessibility means that professionals in finance, science, marketing, etc, often can make use of it for their goals. This also means that for programmers who write tools for these users, Rust can make an excellent language to deliver a fast, stable experience. In this talk we'll discuss more about why you might consider augmenting your Python code with Rust and walk through a case study for how to achieve it.
Lots of Python libraries have Rust under the hood.
- Polars
- Pydantic
- Ruff
Why use Rust with Python?
- Performance
- Ease of implentations
- Ease of distribution
"It might take you a while to get up to speed with Rust. It's an unforgiving language."
Example of taking a function in Rust to Python package
"traits" like "interfaces", ex: arguments to functions must implemnent FromPyObject
Return type must implement IntoPyObject
is a Result
type for PyO3
tool for building the module & installing into the current Python environment.
Discussion of how to add things like:
- function signature
- docstrings
- type annotations
Example of a Python class:
- struct
- pymethods
SDLC - we wronte some rust code, how do we shuip it?
- maturin
- Maturin tutorial: https://www.maturin.rs/tutorial
Can generate a CI workflow (ex a Github actions workflow)
Special Topic: Data Engineering
- Combination of Rust + Python is really good for data intensive tasks
- Arrow as an Intermideiate, can pass data between Rust & Python without copying
- pyarrow (Python arrow package)
Fabio Pliger
Zero Installation, massive scalability, mobile support and more. This talk is going to cover the super powers of running Python in the Browser and how to best use PyScript.
(virtual talk)
Creator of Pyscript
JS VS PS: Not a replacement for Javascript, more of an augmentation/complimentary thing
Platform to run Python in the browser
It's a platform
FFI - foreign function interface
Focus on "HUMAN" APIs
Showed a ton of cool examples of apps & frameworks built using the library
Sarah Kaiser
A software project being called "reproducible" can mean a lot of things, but usually includes a description of how and where the code in your project can be run. Often this means including Python virtual environment, a Conda environment, or even a Docker container to help others replicate your work. In this talk I will introduce some of the most common ways the scientific Python community approaches reproducibility, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the approaches. I will also share a new way that you can make not only your Python code but your development machine reproducible without Docker containers with a tool called Nix. I will also show an example of using a Nix defined operating system (NixOS) with Docker containers to run my home lab.
- Good reproducible envs need declarative and imperative specs
- A combination of Docker & Nix can make reproducible Python projects easier
- for who?
- on what device?
- when?
- with what resources?
- Declarative: describe the desired final state as comletely as possible
- Imprerative: provide a list of steps or actions
Shaurya Agarwal
Clustering is tricky yet absolutely essential for many a Machine Learning initiative. The what, the how and the why confound each time we look at the data, whether it is customer segmentation (or cohort) analysis or it is finding centers of influence or breaking down a population into groups to build different models for each.
Studying clustering algorithms like KMeans using toy datasets is insufficient (and often tedious) because it does not let you experience real-world problems. For e.g. the problem when the centroids don't settle, or situations where we have too many or too few clusters. Which distance measure to use and when? How to prepare (normalize? standardize?) the dataset for clustering?
Also, not too many real-world scenarios are "visual", unless we plot a graph or two, and that fails when we deal with higher dimensions.
What if we could use a non-trivial but visual data source? Like the colors and pixels of a photograph, where we could see the data that went in and the resultant output clusters? The obvious takeaways of this talk, in my experience, are that Data Science and Data Engineering practitioners gain a deeper understanding of what's going on in the clustering algorithms in a fun, very "visual" and engaging manner; and also build a better intuition about the best approach to take for solving a problem.
(virtual talk)
Kandinsky https://github.com/shauryashaurya/kandinsky
Christy Heaton
mas.to/@christyheaton ] https://pyscript.com/@cheaton/2024-eclipse
Snr dev advocate at Elastic
script for updating data -> google cloud function -> Google Cloud scheduler to update index
Sam Edwardes (dude we had lunch with)
community around scientific packages
Python packaging guide call out https://www.pyopensci.org/python-package-guide/
Samyak Jain
Renko Charts vs Candlestick Charts
Sheena O'Connell
""The average student tutored one to one using mastery learning techniques performed 2 std deviations better than students educatin in a calassroom envirobnment"
Mastery based learning & 1:1 tutoring
Growth vs Fixed mindset
Madison Swain-Bowden
Minori Sanchiz-Fung poems
Kingdom of Fear
quick demo of ppb
Aby M Joseph and Thameem Karakkoth
FastAPI is a Python web framework built on top of the ASGI standard. The fusion of GraphQL and FastAPI emerges as a pivotal approach for constructing agile and scalable microservices. This talk delves into the symbiotic relationship between GraphQL's query flexibility and FastAPI's high-performance capabilities. Attendees will gain insights into seamless integration techniques, leveraging FastAPI's asynchronous framework, and GraphQL's expressive querying.
Overview of REST, pros/cons (overfetching, underfetching)
Overview of GraphQL
GraphQL operations (query, mutation)
Cheeseburger analogy
GraphQL Python libraries
- Code First
- Graphene
- Strawberry
- Schema First
- Ariadne
- some other?
FastAPI overview
Code snippet of using graphene with FastAPI to do a blog query
GraphQL Federation, compbining multiple graphql services?
Sheena O'Connell
Once upon a time, if you wanted a truly modern web frontend experience for your Python web app you would have limited options in how to pull it off. A lot of people would reach for heavy frontend tools and frameworks such as React, Vue or one of their many, many competitors. And those tools generally have their recommendations around testing.
Things are shifting a bit - tools like HTMX and AlpineJS are taking Python Web dev by storm and simplifying the creation of modern frontends. A Python web app can now take on the full responsibility of producing a modern frontend. So it would be good to test them in Python as well.
This is where Playwright comes in. It promises to enable reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps. And it has Python bindings. swoon
In this talk, I'll give you a little tour of Playwright and how to use it in your app. I'll demo some workflows, patterns, tips, and tricks.
"Python is my love language"
htmx + alpine.js == match made in heaven
Sample todo app
- standard unit testing is insufficient
- but you should still write them
- enter playwright
- reliance e2e testing for modern waeb apps
- fire up a browser & interacts with the browser
- lots of extra test goodies (expect, trace, screenshot, etc)
Keynote: Testing Modern Web Apps Like A Champion with Andrew Knight (from DjangoCon)
Test examples
- using Pytest
- live_server & page fixtures
- page methods:
, fill(), get_by_role() --slowmo
argument, for slowing test runs down--tracing=on
argument, produce test_results dir, with trace.zip file- playwright show-trace test-results
- use of codegen to generate test skeleton
Oliver Rew
As Bloomberg’s infrastructure grows and evolves, the tools we use to manage it are becoming increasingly important. To streamline infrastructure management, our team set out to design a REST API and constituent CLI (Command Line Interface) that would comprise a single interface for both programmatic and human interaction with our infrastructure. Traditionally, building a CLI that is tightly coupled to an API requires maintaining a separate codebase, which is tedious and error-prone. Instead, we designed a CLI that dynamically generates commands based on the OpenAPI JSON documentation. However, since APIs are designed for computer interaction, we designed our API to include the information needed to implement a human-friendly CLI. Leveraging Python, FastAPI, and numerous other open source projects, we built a stable, extensible tool that greatly improves how we interact with our infrastructure.
Tool built at Bloomberg
Tightly coupled REST API & CLI to drive it
What if CLI was based on OpenAPI spec?
First stab direct mapping between REST API and CLI interface, but led to poor CLI interface (verbose, etc)
Next idea: enrich the API docs with details to power/define the CLI generation
Issue was ooutput formatting, JSON isn't particularly human readable, so use
Jinja templates to format into tables, etc. Allows for different formatted outputs
(ex: --csv
for CSV formatted output, etc)
Make required arguments positional, cuts down on verbosity of command line
Use of FastAPI for the doc generation, leverage the openapi_extra
param to enrich
docs with needed data for the CLI gen.
But do better: make spec classes....
Venkatesh Potluri
Jupyter notebooks are versatile tools that open up rich storytelling possibilities by providing the means to interleave code, data and text together. Notebooks are widely adopted in a variety of expert domains such as data science, machine learning, and astronomy making the ability to create and consume them a critical requirement to participate in these professional domains. Notebooks and notebook software (tools and infrastructure to create and share notebooks) however are inaccessible resulting in barriers preventing blind or visually impaired (BVI) experts from participating in these professions.
In this talk, I will draw from our systematic large scale analysis on 100000 Jupyter notebooks and provide a broad understanding of why these notebooks are inaccessible, and exactly how inaccessible these notebooks really are. I will close with recommendations to infrastructures that drive the notebook pipeline and authoring practices to create and share truly accessible notebooks. It is imperative that we contribute to accessible notebook artifacts and software to make high-skilled work accessible!
BVI devs are majority of the physically disabled developer population (accrd SO survey 2022)
Employement of data scientisrts is projected to grow 35% from 2022 to 2032 :mindblown:
Notebooks are currently not accessible.
Took 10M Jupyter notebooks, sampled 100K -> 39K python notebooks with images -> analyzed source code as well as output figures (giving 340k images)
Many of the top tools don't support alt tags in images
Really great exploration/overview of challenges w.r.t. to accessible challenges in notebooks, grounded in solid research
Scott Shawcroft
Come learn how to program CircuitPython wirelessly over Bluetooth and WiFi. CircuitPython is a version of Python designed for small computers used in electronics projects called microcontrollers. Bluetooth is great for connecting devices to a phone or tablet on the go. At home, WiFi simplifies connecting to a multitude of devices without needing to plug into them directly. Both are also great for devices that are hard to access.
Demo of working with https://www.adafruit.com/product/4500
Avik Basu
Containerization, particularly with tools like Docker, has become a cornerstone in deploying applications efficiently. Building a Docker image for Python applications is generally uncomplicated, yet optimizing these images requires extra work. Notably, many of these >optimizations are uniquely tailored to Python.
This talk focuses on techniques and best practices to build more efficient Docker images for Python in order to generate reproducible and quicker builds while reducing the image sizes at >the same time.
Containerization Basics
- what's a container, image, etc
- benefits of containers
Why care about efficient images?
- Slower build times
- larger size images
- more storage
- longer download times
- Security risks
- older deps can create vulnerabilities
How do we measure efficiency?
- Uncompressed image size
- initial (very first) build time
- rebuild time after a code change
- rebuild time after a dependency change
Worked through an example of optimizing the docker build process for a python based image. Mostly covered some of the basic things like ordering steps to leverage the cache, etc
Optimization #1 - order matters
Optimiization #2 - pin dependencies & disable pip cache
- improves reproducibility
Optimization #3 - slimmer base image
Optimization #4 - combine the layers
Optimization #4 - multi-stage builds
Optimization #5 - cache mount
Matthew Drury
We discuss the pleasure of problem solving by dissolution.
Alexander Grothendieck gave the analogy of a rising sea as a metaphor for his approach to problem solving. While it is sometimes possible to solve a problem through sheer force, to Grothendieck, more satisfying and fruitful is a slow process that builds careful theory, where each step is as simple and trivial as possible, until the problem simply dissipates. We discuss what this strategy looks like in the context of programming, giving examples from Advent of Code.
Alexander Grothendieck
Analogy for problem solving
Advent of Code 2022, Problem #5
Harbor, stacks, etc
Christy Heaton, Mariatta, Lynn Root, Luciana Abud
PyLadies Panel: Talking about experiences and roles within the Python community.
13 men have been promoted to python core dev since the last woman
PyPodcats - hidden figures of Python podcast