
discord bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

d3bot mk3: return of the d3bot

discord bot for personal use. but I guess you could use it if you want to?

now deployed on AWS.


  • !imas [query] - uses Google Custom Search Engine and returns first relevant result from Project-Im@s wiki. Provides embed information for Discord.
  • !im@s [query] - uses Mediawiki API native to Project-Im@s wiki to return first relevant result. No embed information.
  • !feh [query] - similar to !im@s, except searches the FEHeroes Gamepedia wiki.
  • !kc [query] - queries the Kancolle Wikia API for the search term and returns the first relevant result. Provides embed information for Discord via page snippet.
  • !killd3bot - test command, doesn't actually do anything.

how to use:

to start locally:

  • git clone, npm install --save
  • add tokens, discord channelIDs, and other auth info in the *_example.json files, and rename them to *.json.
  • pm2 startOrRestart config/ecosystem.json --env environment to start
  • open discord and start using commands in the channels you provided


  • can still improve mediawiki search. query sometimes works better than opensearch, and additional configuration on a wiki by wiki basis leads to more meaningful results. could just crawl the namespaces and do fuzzy matching.
  • fully migrate to ES6 - transpiler, linter, etc. whatever
  • figure out travisCI + AWS + PM2


  • dkpl game - earn and spend dkpl points. probably gonna need a different repo for that - database + API + user interface.
  • create simple polls that users can vote on?