
My self-developed renderer, ReinRenderer based on the TinyRenderer(https://github.com/ssloy/tinyrenderer and https://github.com/MrZz233/tinyrenderer_notes)

Primary LanguageC++

Software Renderer

My self-developed pure C++ renderer based on the TinyRenderer(https://github.com/ssloy/tinyrenderer and https://github.com/MrZz233/tinyrenderer_notes).

It is a software renderer that implements the whole graphics pipeline, including rasterization, shading, and texturing. The renderer is designed to be simple and easy to understand, so it is a good project for beginners to learn computer graphics.

Example Images



  • Rasterization
  • Shading
  • Texturing
  • Z-buffering


Create a build file folder in the directory:

mkdir build

Enter the build file folder:

cd build

Running cmake file:

cmake ..

Compile the project:


Run the project (the parameter ../obj/boggie is the path of the obj file):

./SoftwareRenderer ../obj/boggie