
lvgl image converter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub top language

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: lv_img_conv.py [-h] [-f {true_color,true_color_alpha,true_color_chroma,indexed_1,indexed_2,indexed_4,indexed_8,alpha_1,alpha_2,alpha_4,alpha_8,raw,raw_alpha,raw_chroma}]
                      [-cf {RGB332,RGB565,RGB565SWAP,RGB888}] [-ff {C,BIN}] [-o O] [-r] [-d]
                      filepath [filepath ...]

positional arguments:
  filepath              images dir paths (or file paths) you wanna convert

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f {true_color,true_color_alpha,true_color_chroma,indexed_1,indexed_2,indexed_4,indexed_8,alpha_1,alpha_2,alpha_4,alpha_8,raw,raw_alpha,raw_chroma}, -format {true_color,true_color_alpha,true_color_chroma,indexed_1,indexed_2,indexed_4,indexed_8,alpha_1,alpha_2,alpha_4,alpha_8,raw,raw_alpha,raw_chroma}
                        converted file format: true_color, true_color_alpha, true_color_chroma, indexed_1, indexed_2, indexed_4, indexed_8, alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_4, alpha_8, raw, raw_alpha,
                        raw_chroma. The default is: true_color
  -cf {RGB332,RGB565,RGB565SWAP,RGB888}, -color-format {RGB332,RGB565,RGB565SWAP,RGB888}
                        converted color format: RGB332, RGB565, RGB565SWAP, RGB888
  -ff {C,BIN}, -file-format {C,BIN}
                        converted file format: C(*.c), BIN(*.bin)
  -o O, -output-filepath O
                        output file path. if not set, it will saved in the input dir
  -r                    convert files recursively
  -d                    need to dith

Simple usage

Recursively convert pictures in the images directory with flags

  • true_color_alpha
  • RGB888
  • BIN
  • output to test
python3 lv_img_conv.py -f true_color_alpha -cf RGB888 -ff BIN -o test -r ./images

Windows special version


For more details, please see the ./lv_img_conv_win_spec directory.