
This is a simple Arduino GSM gateway software for hungarian T-Mobile Telekom provider. Convert AT commands to simple line instructions and communicate ower serial port. Receive responses in JSON formatted lines. I used Arduino Leonardo for open two COM ports. One for commands another for communicate with the SIM900 shield. The Eventually library is needed for task scheduling.

Commands that can send ower serial port:

CALL:+36301234567i; - start outgoing call with enable display of caller id (last char before semicolon is 'i')

SMS:+36301234567:message - send message

BALANCE - get user balance

ANSWER - answer incoming call

HANGUP - hangup call or ring

STATUS - check modem status (

POWER - switch power button by software

INITMODEM - init modem for turn on caller ID notification, set sms receive, set module to send SMS data to seírial out upon receipt

DEBUG - turn on/off debug informations. If debug is on, AT response printed to serial port

AT:command - send pure AT command to SIM900 module