Putting a TCP/IP Stack on DPDK

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  1. DPDK - not modified from original

    Installation instructions and source files can be downloaded at dpdk.org/download or

    For UBC Computer Science: 1) its located in ~/dpdk-1.2.3r2 of hs6 2) the ping echo example is in ~/dpdk-1.2.3r2/examples/ping_echo 3) NUMA needs to be turned on in BIOS 4) There are setup scripts made by DPDK in ~/dpdk-1.2.3r2/tools (setup.sh) and in ~/ (mount_huge)

  2. LWIP - will be modified from original

    The source code for LWIP and modifications come with the repository

    LWIP comes with just the source which you can download at savannah.nongnu.org/git/?group=lwip

    Apps that use LWIP can be downloaded at download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/lwip/ which contains source code for apps (http servers, sockets, ... etc) while the system files are in ports (the three ports for unix systems are under /ports/unix/proj)

    For UBC Computer Science: 1) it is located in ~/DPDK-LWIP 2) the src code is in lwip/ 3) the application is in contrib-1.4.1/apps 4) the system-specific port contrib-1.4.1/ports

  3. Putting a TCP/IP Stack on DPDK

    LWIP is compiled as a library in lwiplib/

    DPDK is compiled using the dpdk app makefiles with some modifications is in dpdk_app/ (the source codes are here). The http_server.c is the start of the program.