
Reusable D3 Sankey diagram using d3.Chart

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Reusable D3 Sankey diagram using d3.Chart.

Demos: energy | product | interactive


Include d3, sankey and d3.chart before d3.chart.sankey:

<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/newrelic-forks/d3-plugins-sankey/v1.1.0/sankey.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/misoproject/d3.chart/master/d3.chart.min.js"></script>
<script src="d3.chart.sankey.min.js"></script>

Then build the chart:

var chart = d3.select("#chart").append("svg").chart("Sankey");
chart.draw({nodes: [/*...*/], links: [/*...*/]});

The chart object supports various ways to customize the diagram:

  .nodeWidth(24)    // width of node
  .nodePadding(8)   // vertical space between nodes
  .iterations(32)   // number of layout iterations
  .spread(false)    // whether to spread nodes vertically after layout
  .name(function(n) { return n.name; })               // node label
  .colorNodes('red')                                  // color for nodes
  .colorNodes(d3.chart.category20c())                 // ... or a color scale
  .colorNodes(function(name, node) { return 'red'; }) // ... or a function
  .colorLinks('yellow')                               // color for labels
  .colorLinks(function(link) { /* ... */ })           // ... or a function
  .alignLabel('start')                                // align node labels: start, end, auto
  .alignLabel((n) => n.x > 100 ? 'end' : 'start');    // ... or a function

The spread option does not exist in D3's Sankey plugin and can make some diagrams clearer. When enabled, nodes are distributed over the full height. This may work best when the number of iterations is set to zero.

The following events are emitted on the chart: node:mouseover, node:mouseout, node:click, node:dblclick, link:mouseover, link:mouseout, link:click, link:dblclick. For example:

chart.on('node:click', function(node) {
  alert('Clicked on ' + node.name);

AMD, CommonJS, ...

This chart can also be loaded as a module:

var d3 = require('d3');
var Sankey = require('d3.chart.sankey');

var svg = d3.select('svg');
var chart = new Sankey(svg);

Chart types

There are three chart types: Sankey, Sankey.Selection and Sankey.Path. The last two charts add the notion of a selection, which is set on mouseover when hovering a node or path, or when the selection method is called on the chart (which accepts an array of nodes and links). Sankey.Path expands the selection to connected nodes and links.

When loading as a module, you can also access these charts as properties, so instead of new Sankey(g) you'd use new Sankey.Selection(g);

Special theming

If you add a property to a node object named "id", d3.chart.sankey will add an HTML attribute named "data-node-id" with the value of the "id" property to the node's <g> tag.

This allows CSS and non-D3 JavaScript code to target the node with a selector. For example, in CSS:

[data-node-id="some-id"] rect {
  fill: red;

... or in JavaScript...



You'll need Node.js, Grunt and Bower. To fetch required dependencies, run the following commands from the root of this repository:

$ npm install
$ bower install

After this, the project can be built by invoking Grunt from within this repository:

$ grunt

To build the project along with a minified version of the library, run grunt release.