
This repository is intended to supply a baseline Ada coding standard. It uses the Sphinx/docutils build structure to generate a document in the user's desired format.


Top-level directory

  • README.md

    This file

  • make.bat

    sphinx-build build script for Windows

  • Makefile

    Makefile to use with sphinx-build

  • original.docx

    Original Word document that this repository used as a baseline


This folder currently contains a python script that will generate a map file that parses the source files looking to connect coding standards to gnatcheck rules.


This folder contains the source files necessary to generate the coding standards.

Most of the files should be fairly boilerplate. The directory of most interest is the guidelines folder, which contains all of the actual coding standards, grouped by area of concern.


This folder contains the gnatcheck rules file as well as the lkql subfolder which contains all non-standard rules implemented specifically for this coding standard. All lkql files should be copied into the $CODEPEER_INSTALL/share/lkql folder before running gnatcheck.

Note: If you add a new file into the guidelines folder, make sure you update the guidelines.rst file accordingly