FAIL(1) General Commands Manual FAIL(1) NAME fail – crash in various possible ways SYNOPSIS fail [-123DORabcdikrst] DESCRIPTION fail crashes in various possible ways to help you debug how other software reacts to this. In addition to the crashes below, fail will also cause a segmentation fault when its binary is loaded using dlopen(3) or LD_PRELOAD. The options are as follows: -1 Return with exit status -1. -2 Return with exit status 2. -3 Return with exit status 111. -D Create a process that is in uninterruptible sleep (state D) and print its pid. (This uses vfork(2) and pause(2).) -O Allocate memory in an infinite loop, to trigger an out of memory situation. A dot is printed after each 16MB allocation. Warning: this may lock up your machine and/or result in killing other processes, too. Use with caution. -R Trigger an infinite recursion that uses alloca(3) heavily (to test GCC's -fstack-clash-protection). -a Call abort(3). -b Trigger SIGBUS by accessing mmap(2) memory beyond the end of a file. -c Violate a seccomp(2) strict mode restriction. -d Divide by zero. -i Execute an illegal instruction. -k Raise SIGKILL. -r Trigger an infinite recursion that uses less than a page of stack per level. -s Trigger a segmentation fault by writing to a null pointer. -t Trigger GCC's __builtin_trap(). EXIT STATUS The fail utility never returns 0, because failure is inevitable. SEE ALSO false(1), seccomp(2), abort(3) AUTHORS Leah Neukirchen <> LICENSE fail is in the public domain. To the extent possible under law, the creator of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. Void Linux January 11, 2019 Void Linux