
Open Cities AI Challenge: Segmenting Buildings for Disaster Resilience

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Open Cities AI Challenge: Segmenting Buildings for Disaster Resilience

Open Cities AI Challenge: Segmenting Buildings for Disaster Resilience. The pipeline follows severstal.

2nd place out of 1106 with 0.8575 jaccard index (top 1 -- 0.8598).


pip install -r requirements.txt



First download the train and test data from the competition link into data folder.

Then you must prepare train and test datasets. For train use:

python ./src/data/prepare_train.py

Actually, it's hard to install all dependencies like GDAL etc. So, it's better to use code from competition forum in Getting started topic by @johnowhitaker. Or even better download extracted tiles from kaggle dataset

kaggle d download kbrodt/oc-t1-1024-z19-p1
kaggle d download kbrodt/oc-t1-1024-z19-p2
kaggle d download kbrodt/oc-t1-1024-z19-p3

For test simply use

python ./src/data/prepare_test.py


To train the model run

sh ./train.sh

On 6 GPUs Tesla V100 it will take around 50h. This will generates trained models and submission file.


If you want only predict the test set, first you need to download model weights from yandex disk, unzip and execute:

sh ./submit.sh

On 6 GPUs Tesla V100 it takes around 1h.


Final solution turned out to be quite straightforward.


  • Train tier 1, 1024x1024 tile's size with 19 zoom level
  • 5 folds stratified by area_scene
  • Balanced sampler by area_scene
  • Unet-like with heavy encoders: senet154, se_resnext50_32x4d, densenet161, inceptionv4, efficientnet-b4
  • Cross-entropy loss (not to search threshold for binarization)
  • 2 rounds of pseudo-labeling


  • Although we have train tier 2 dataset with "dirty" labels, we can pretrain on it and finetune on tier 1, but it doesn't work for me. Another way to use tier 2 is to fix "dirty" labels. I tried to train on tier 2 predictions of models trained on tier 1 with knowledge-distillation (KD), but it works the same if we train only on tier 1. I only managed train a single model efficientnet-b3 with score 85.02.

  • Different zoom levels (18 and 20) greatly increases data size, hence increases training time, so I gave up it.

  • Instead of 1-channel footprints I used 3-channel mask footprint/boundary/contact, but I didn't managed better results.

  • MixUp training

Possible improvements

  • Do first rounds of pseudo-labeling with heavier encoders (instead using effnets)
  • Use different zoom levels if have time
  • Fix/filter/clean/remove "dirty" labels of tier 2 using trained models on tier 1 by calculating jaccard index between "dirty" label and prediction. Add labels with high score, because it signifies that labels are close enough to predictions, where latter are obtained on clean tier 1 dataset. Remove labels with low score. See some examples and ideas here.