
Solution for Sartorius Cell Instance Segmentation Kaggle

Primary LanguagePython

A solution to the Sartorius Cell Instance Segmentation Kaggle


Solution summary

  1. Semantic segmentation by Unet.
  2. Instance segmentation by further processing of semantic segmentation with Deep Watershed Transform.

Deep Watershed Transform Network:

Semantic segmentation (Unet)

  1. To generate training target:
python seggit/data/scripts/make_semseg_target.py
  1. To make a training run:
python seggit/training/run_segmentation.py
  1. To make inference:
from seggit.cell_semantic_segmentation import SemanticSegmenter
segmenter = SemanticSegmenter(checkpoint_path='best.pth')
img, semseg = segmenter.predict('sample.png')

Direction Net (DN)

  1. To generate training target:
python seggit/data/scripts/make_uvec.py
  1. To make a training run:
python training/run_direction.py

Watershed Transform Net (WTN)

  1. To generate training target:
python seggit/data/scripts/make_wngy.py
  1. To make a training run:
python training/run_energy.py

Deep Watershed Transform end-to-end (DN + WTN = WN)

  1. To make a training run:
python training/run_watershed.py
  1. To make an inference:
from seggit.deep_watershed_transform import DeepWatershedTransform

dwt = DeepWatershedTransform(checkpoint_path='best.pth')
wngy = dwt.predict(img, semg)

Cell instance segmentation (Unet + WN)

To make an inference :

from seggit.cell_instance_segmentation import CellSegmenter

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
args.pth_unet = 'best_unet.pth'
args.pth_wn = 'best_wn.pth'

segmenter = CellSegmenter(args)

img, instg = segmenter.predict('sample.png')
