
Primary LanguagePython

Space Instagram

Scripts to download pics from SpaceX API and hubble API.

How to install

Python3 should be already installed. Then use pip (or pip3, if there is a conflict with Python2) to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Add instagram login, password and picture directory name to file .env:
login = %login%
password = %password%
directory = %directory%

How to use

To fetch images from SpaceX and Hubble library and upload them to your Instagram profile run script:

python3 instagram_upload.py

Command line interface is also available:

python3 instagram_upload.py --login %login% --password %password% --directory %directory%

Functions description

Function fetch_spacex_last_launch() from fetch_spacex.py returns image urls list of last SpaceX launch.
Function fetch_hubble_urls(collection) from fetch_hubble.py returns image urls list of collection from Hublle.
Function save_images(image_urls, directory) from tools.py saves urls to directory.
Function crop_files_in_folder(folder_name) from tools.py crops images to square format.
Function load_pics(login, password, folder_path) from instagram_upload.py loads pictures to Instagram from folder with square pics.

Project Goals

The code is written for educational purposes on online-course for web-developers dvmn.org.