

Primary LanguagePython

Grass Auto Reger&Farm 🔹

Discover the latest <crypto/> moves in my Telegram Channel:

My Channel 🥰

Cheapest proxies and servers which fits for on grass.io.


What is bot for?

  • Create Accounts
  • Farm Points
  • Check Points

You can put as many proxies as u can, bot uses database and will load up proxies from extra ones

🔹To say thanks for work: 0x000007c73a94f8582ef95396918dcd04f806cdd8

Quick Start 📚

  1. To install libraries on Windows click on INSTALL.bat (or in console: pip install -r requirements.txt).
  2. To start bot use START.bat (or in console: python main.py).

Options 📧

  • In data/config.py put REGISTER_ACCOUNT_ONLY = True
  • Throw the api key into data/config.py. Since there is a captcha there, you need a service for solving captchas - AntiCaptcha or Twocaptcha.
  • Provide emails and passwords (OPTIONAL) and proxies to register accounts as below!


  • in data/config.py put REGISTER_ACCOUNT_ONLY = False
  • Provide emails and passwords and proxies to register accounts as shown below!

Configuration 📧

  1. Accounts Setup 🔒

    Put in data/accounts.txt accounts in format email:password (cool_aster@gmail.com:my_password123)


  2. Proxy Setup 🔒

    Configure your proxies with the ANY (socks, http/s, ...) format in data/proxies.txt 🌐

    Proxy Configuration

Quick Start By Docker

  1. Install Docker-CE: curl -sSL -k https://get.docker.com | sh
  2. Install Docker Compose: curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  3. Clone Source Code: git clone https://github.com/MsLolita/grass.git
  4. Configuration: Modify data/accounts.txt and data/proxies.txt
  5. Start Container: docker-compose up -d

PS: Could see more configuration in docker-compose.yml