
Playwright Demo - Building QA Automation Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Playwright Demo Project

Playwright Automated Testing Tool Demo Project

Purpose: Playwright Functionality Demo

  • Page Object Model (POM)
  • Reusability with common steps
  • Data Parameterization with external .csv file and mock data


Verify installation

node -v
npm -v
code -v

Verification Examples (Command Prompt):

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22000.856]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\[user]>node -v

C:\Users\[user]>npm -v

C:\Users\[user]>code -v

Project and dependancies Installation

git clone https://github.com/qaa-demo/playwright-demo.git
cd playwright-demo
npm install

Run the tests

Run all tests:

npm test 

Run individual test files:

npm test tests.spec.js

By default test runs in headless mode . To see the browser during execution change to headed mode - update playwight.config.js file:

headless: false

By default execution trace is set to retain on failure only (trace is captured but deleted if the test passes):

trace: 'retain-on-failure'

To always capture and keep the last trace, update playwight.config.js file:

trace: 'on'

To always capture and keep execution video, update playwight.config.js file:

video: 'on'

Create new tests


Add locators & Data

const locators = {
  HomePageHeading: "id=main-header",
  LoginPageHeading: "id=login-page-main-header",
  FormPageHeading: "id=sign-form-main-header",
const data = {
  HomePageHeading: "Home Page",
  LoginPageHeading: "Login",
  FormPageHeading: "Sign The Guestbook",


Add New Page Class (if required or use existing)

class HomePage {

    constructor(page) {
      this.page = page;

    async navigateToHomePage() {
      await this.page.goto(data.BaseUrl);

Add Methods


Add Common Steps Add Reusable Step Components


Add New Tests