The Food of Paradise via BookBlock

It Began With A Great Story

Then it became [an entry in my blog] 1, and now it shall live as a site unto itself.

Actually, it began with me wanting to always be able to tell a great story, whether at a party, in a private moment with others, or as a mental exercise to entertain myself or keep my brain sharp.

Like most people who live a life, I've got one or two interesting stories about things that actually happened to me, but they don't always end with a great plot twist or strong "moral to the story" moment. So I found some stories that do work. The next challenge was being able to memorize the stories so that I could just riff off the top of the head with them. Re-creating the story in rhyme seemed the most logical approach to take (at the time).

The effort turned into a major effort of literary creativity, which I have decided to extend into the realm of visual design. [I wrote a little bit about my process and relationship to this story] 4 in a blog post on March 2, 2013.

CoDrops Are The Bizness

The design and functionality of TheFoodofParadise website was inspired by the tutorial at ['s Codrops site] 2, which uses the dope [BookBlock plugin repo'd here on Github] 3. All respect due.

The site that is live was built using the Mixture static site generate tool, which was all the rage at the time. Well, I don't know that Mixture the tool was all the rage, but static site generators were all the rage at the time. They're kind of still all the rage, but I think the field might have thinned a bit at this point (Fall, 2015).

To Dos

  • Implement column splitting when media width exceeds certain amount. (Imagine trying to read this thing fullscreen on a 20+ inch monitor.)

  • When Table of contents are viewed, reduce width of text displayed so that all of it is still visible. (Not going to do this as it would reduce the effect experienced when the TOC comes into view, pushing the other content off screen.)

  • To improve legibility, prevent the column from spanning more than 75 characters.

  • for super large displays, break copy into columns. Flexbox?

Build note

To publish to gh-pages branch from master:

$ git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages