
Finnish morphology tools

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Tools regarding the morphology of the Finnish language.

I have used the Finnish wordlist by Kotus when creating the programs.

Table of contents

File formats

All files in this project use UTF-8 character encoding and Unix newlines.

CSV file format used in this project:

  • field separator: comma (,)
  • no fields are quoted
  • no empty fields
  • types of fields: words (strings), declensions/conjugations (integers)
  • lines in plurals.csv: two words (e.g. häät,hää)
  • lines in all other CSV files: one word and zero or more declensions/conjugations (e.g. ahtaus,39,40)

Programs interesting to the end user


Conjugate a Finnish verb. Arguments: VERB [MOOD TENSE VOICE [NUMBER [PERSON]]].
Moods: ind/con/pot/imp. Tenses: pre/pst/per. Voices: act/pss. Numbers: sg/pl.
Persons: 1/2/3. If 1 argument only, print all supported combinations.

Note: perfect tense and passive voice are not supported yet; only these combinations of mood/tense/voice are supported:

  • indicative present active
  • indicative past active
  • conditional present active
  • potentional present active
  • imperative present active


$ python3 conjugate_verb.py "keritä" ind pre act sg 1
ind-pre-act-sg-1: kerkiän, keritsen

$ python3 conjugate_verb.py "soutaa"
ind-pre-act-sg-1: soudan
ind-pre-act-sg-2: soudat
ind-pre-act-sg-3: soutaa
ind-pre-act-pl-1: soudamme
ind-pre-act-pl-2: soudatte
ind-pre-act-pl-3: soutavat
ind-pst-act-sg-1: soudin, sousin
ind-pst-act-sg-2: soudit, sousit
ind-pst-act-sg-3: sousi, souti
ind-pst-act-pl-1: soudimme, sousimme
ind-pst-act-pl-2: souditte, sousitte
ind-pst-act-pl-3: sousivat, soutivat
con-pre-act-sg-1: soutaisin
con-pre-act-sg-2: soutaisit
con-pre-act-sg-3: soutaisi
con-pre-act-pl-1: soutaisimme
con-pre-act-pl-2: soutaisitte
con-pre-act-pl-3: soutaisivat
pot-pre-act-sg-1: soutanen
pot-pre-act-sg-2: soutanet
pot-pre-act-sg-3: soutanee
pot-pre-act-pl-1: soutanemme
pot-pre-act-pl-2: soutanette
pot-pre-act-pl-3: soutanevat
imp-pre-act-sg-2: souda
imp-pre-act-sg-3: soutakoon
imp-pre-act-pl-1: soutakaamme
imp-pre-act-pl-2: soutakaa
imp-pre-act-pl-3: soutakoot


Decline a Finnish noun. Arguments: NOUN [CASE NUMBER]. Cases: nom, gen, par,
ess, tra, ine, ela, ill, ade, abl, all, abe, ins. Numbers: sg, pl. If case &
number omitted, print all supported combinations.

Note: instructive singular and comitative are not supported.


$ python3 decline_noun.py "kuusi" gen sg
GenSg: kuuden, kuusen

$ python3 decline_noun.py "kuusi"
NomSg: kuusi
NomPl: kuudet, kuuset
GenSg: kuuden, kuusen
GenPl: kuusien, kuusten, kuutten
ParSg: kuusta, kuutta
ParPl: kuusia
EssSg: kuusena, kuutena
EssPl: kuusina
TraSg: kuudeksi, kuuseksi
TraPl: kuusiksi
IneSg: kuudessa, kuusessa
InePl: kuusissa
ElaSg: kuudesta, kuusesta
ElaPl: kuusista
IllSg: kuuseen, kuuteen
IllPl: kuusiin
AdeSg: kuudella, kuusella
AdePl: kuusilla
AblSg: kuudelta, kuuselta
AblPl: kuusilta
AllSg: kuudelle, kuuselle
AllPl: kuusille
AbeSg: kuudetta, kuusetta
AbePl: kuusitta
InsPl: kuusin


Find partially homonymous inflected nouns and verbs. Slow.

partial-homonyms.txt was generated with this program.


Print lemma and inflected forms of nouns and verbs with specified length. Arguments: minimumLength maximumLength


$ python3 inflected_by_length.py 22 22


Argument: a Finnish noun (including adjectives/pronouns/numerals, excluding compounds) in nominative singular. Print the Kotus declension(s) (1-49) and whether consonant gradation applies.


$ python3 noun_consgrad.py "kuusi"
Declension 24 (like "un|i, -en, -ien/-ten, -ta, -ia, -een, -iin") without
consonant gradation
Declension 27 (like "kä|si, -den, -sien/-tten, -ttä, -siä, -teen, -siin")
without consonant gradation

Needs noundecl.py and countsyll.py. Can be tested with test-nounverb.py.


Argument: a Finnish noun (including adjectives/pronouns/numerals, excluding compounds) in nominative singular. Print the Kotus declension(s) (1-49).


$ python3 noundecl.py "kuusi"
Declension 24 (like "un|i, -en, -ien/-ten, -ta, -ia, -een, -iin")
Declension 27 (like "kä|si, -den, -sien/-tten, -ttä, -siä, -teen, -siin")

Needs countsyll.py. Can be tested with test-nounverb.py.


Argument: a Finnish verb (not a compound) in the infinitive. Print the Kotus conjugation(s) (52-76) and whether consonant gradation applies.


$ python3 verb_consgrad.py "keritä"
Conjugation 69 (like "vali|ta, -tsen, -tsi, -tsisi, -tkoon, -nnut, -ttiin")
without consonant gradation
Conjugation 75 (like "selvi|tä, -än, -si, -äisi, -tköön, -nnyt, -ttiin") with
consonant gradation

Needs verbconj.py. Can be tested with test-nounverb.py.


Argument: a Finnish verb (not a compound) in the infinitive. Print the Kotus conjugation(s) (52-76).


$ python3 verbconj.py "keritä"
Conjugation 69 (like "vali|ta, -tsen, -tsi, -tsisi, -tkoon, -nnut, -ttiin")
Conjugation 75 (like "selvi|tä, -än, -si, -äisi, -tköön, -nnyt, -ttiin")

Needs countsyll.py. Can be tested with test-nounverb.py.


Count the number of syllables in a Finnish word. Argument: word


$ python3 countsyll.py "liioitella"
Syllables: 4 or more, or the word is unknown


Split a Finnish compound. Argument: compound to split.


$ python3 splitcomp.py "ylivoimamaali"

Needs generated-lists/nonfinals.txt and generated-lists/finals.csv which can be generated with extract.sh.

TODO: make the program more space efficient (those word lists are more than a hundred kilobytes together).

Programs less interesting to the end user


Converts the Kotus XML file (link above) into CSV files that are needed by the other programs. Warning: overwrites the files listed below.

Note: before running this script, extract the Kotus XML file to the same directory as this project.

Creates the subdirectory generated-lists/ and generates these files under it:

  • words-orig.csv: the original words (no leading/trailing apostrophes/hyphens/spaces) (~94,000 words)
  • words.csv: words without plurals or compounds but with singular forms of plurals and finals of compounds (~41,000 words)
    • nouns.csv: nouns (Kotus declensions 1–49) from words.csv (~26,000 words)
      • nouns-1syll.csv: monosyllabic nouns
      • nouns-2syll.csv: disyllabic nouns
      • nouns-3syll.csv: trisyllabic nouns
      • nouns-4syll.csv: quadrisyllabic and longer nouns
    • verbs.csv: verbs (Kotus conjugations 52–76) from words.csv (~9,400 words)
      • verbs-1syll.csv: monosyllabic verbs
      • verbs-2syll.csv: disyllabic verbs
      • verbs-3syll.csv: trisyllabic verbs
      • verbs-4syll.csv: quadrisyllabic and longer verbs
  • words-consgrad.csv: like words.csv but only the words to which consonant gradation applies (~11,000 words)
  • finals.csv: words that occur as final parts of compounds (and possibly non-finally or alone) (~8,400 words)
  • nonfinals.txt: words that occur as non-final parts of compounds (not finally but possibly alone) (~5,300 words)
  • compositives.txt: words that occur as non-final parts of compounds (not finally or alone) (~2,900 words)

Also generates stats-nounverb.txt under the current directory (see text files).


Test conjugate_verb.py. No arguments.


Test decline_noun.py. No arguments.


Argument: which program to test ('n'=noundecl.py, 'v'=verbconj.py,
'ng'=noun_consgrad.py, 'vg'=verb_consgrad.py).

Needs files created by extract.sh.


Test splitcomp.py against known single words and compounds.

Requires generated-lists/words.csv which can be generated with extract.sh.

Programs even less interesting to the end user

These are only meant to be used by extract.sh.


Read Kotus XML file, print distinct words and their declensions/conjugations (0-2) in CSV format. Arguments: XML file, which words ('a' = all, 'g' = only those that consonant gradation applies to).


Get words that occur as finals of compounds. Print them and their declensions/conjugations in CSV format. Arguments: wordCsvFile compoundListFile


Arguments: one or more CSV files. For each distinct word, print a CSV line with all declensions/conjugations occurring with that word in the files.


Arguments: CSV file with words and declensions/conjugations, CSV file with plurals and singulars. Print words and declensions/conjugations in CSV format, with plurals replaced with singulars.


Arguments: CSV file with words and declensions/conjugations, list file with compounds. Print CSV lines without those that contain a compound.


Arguments: CSV file with words and declensions/conjugations, first declension/conjugation, last declension/conjugation. Print lines that contain declensions/conjugations within that range.


Arguments: CSV file, syllable count (1-4; 4=4 or more). Print lines containing a word with that many syllables.


Print words that only occur as non-final parts of compounds (not final). Argument: compound list file


Print words that only occur as non-final parts of compounds (not final or alone). Arguments: compound list file, word CSV file


Print a table of noun/verb counts by declension/conjugation, syllable count and ending. Argument: CSV file with words (no compounds).

Text files


A list of compounds on the Kotus word list. Creating this list involved a lot of manual work.


  • One compound per line.
  • The individual words of each compound have been separated by underscores (_), e.g. yli_oppilas_tutkinto_lauta_kunta.
  • No other character denotes a word boundary inside a compound; for example, these compounds are only two individual words each:
    • jok'_ainoa
    • valo-_oppi
    • suomen _kieli
    • vaa'an_kieli
    • tax-free-_myynti
    • all stars -_joukkue
  • Includes "plural only" words (e.g. hopea_häät).
  • Examples of words/prefixes/suffixes of Latin/Greek origin I didn't consider separate words:
    • prefixes: a-, di-, dis-, in-, inter-, iso-, multi-, poly-, post-, pre-, re-, sub-, syn-, tri-
    • suffixes: -grafi(nen/a), -grammi, -kroninen, -logi(nen/a), -metri(nen/a) ("metri" as a device, not as a unit), -paatti(nen)/-patia, -skooppi(nen)/-skopia
  • Tip: to restore a compound to its original form, simply delete all underscores.
  • Tip: to split a compound properly:
    • first split by underscores…
    • …then strip leading/trailing apostrophes/hyphens/spaces ('- ) from each individual word
    • e.g. all stars -_joukkue becomes all stars and joukkue
  • The GPLv3 license does not apply to this file (I think) because it is largely based on the Kotus wordlist.


A list of partially homonymous inflected nouns and verbs. Automatically generated with find-partial-homonyms.py.


A list of "plural only" words on the Kotus list.


  • Two fields on each line: a word in plural and its singular form (e.g. sakset,saksi).
  • No compounds (e.g. seppeleensitojaiset).
  • Includes words that only occur as the final part of a compound, not alone (e.g. sitojaiset).


A table of noun/verb counts by declension/conjugation, syllable count and ending. Automatically generated.