
Qindicators is a jetpack Compose library that will help you show indicators in your app

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


QIndicators is a jetpack Compose library that will help you creating your own Indicators with a diffirent shape for the selected one and a simple animation for it.



Maven Central


Add the dependency below to your module level build.gradle :

dependencies { 

    implementation 'io.github.qamarelsafadi:qindicators:1.0.0'


You can implement your indicators with composable function as seen in the below:

 var selectedPage by remember {  mutableStateOf(0) }

 Indicators(count = 7,
            size = 10,
            spacer = 5,
            indicatorSelectedLength = 60
            modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center),
            selectedColor = Color.Red,
            unselectedColor = PurpleGrey40
 // you can change button with horizontal pager here
Button( onClick = {  if (selectedPage != 6) selectedPage++ else selectedPage = 0 },
         modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.BottomStart).padding(24.dp))
             Icon( painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.backbutton),contentDescription = ""  )

You can also customize the appearance of the indicator by passing in the following properties:

Composable Properties

Properties Description
count Count of your indicators
size Indicator size
spacer Space between indicators
selectedPage current selected index
indicatorSelectedLength Length of selected indicator
selectedColor Selected indicator color
unselectedColor Unselected indicator color

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