Identification of COVID-19 cases using a 3D Bi-LSTM Classifier for Chest CT scans

All the Chest CT scans are taken from the MosMedData dataset.

CT-0 CT-23
Raw (512x512)
Normalized (256x256 + Depthness 64)


              precision    recall  f1-score   support

      normal       0.75      0.90      0.82        10
    abnormal       0.88      0.70      0.78        10

    accuracy                           0.80        20
   macro avg       0.81      0.80      0.80        20
weighted avg       0.81      0.80      0.80        20


MosMedData: Chest CT Scans with COVID-19 Related Findings Dataset

title={MosMedData: Chest CT Scans With COVID-19 Related Findings Dataset}, 
author={S. P. Morozov and A. E. Andreychenko and N. A. Pavlov and A. V. Vladzymyrskyy and N. V. Ledikhova and V. A. Gombolevskiy and I. A. Blokhin and P. B. Gelezhe and A. V. Gonchar and V. Yu. Chernina},