- 2
[qase-wdio] Error: "Some reporters are still unsynced: WDIOQaseReporter"
#711 opened by dbenages-at-wiris - 3
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Cypress reporter wont work with explicit case ID
#709 opened by MHazenHT - 3
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Created new test in report if failed in beforeEach
#637 opened by Vorobeyko - 2
- 5
Question: (playwright-qase-reporter) - Set step data and expected result via reporter
#670 opened by RichWattieCera - 3
Skipped cases cause failure when uploading to bulk submit - version 2.0.16
#702 opened by PatrickSchultz1 - 7
[qase-javascript] custom reporter
#698 opened by Qvatra - 3
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confg file and env var failure
#684 opened by marvin512 - 6
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qase-playwright: Unable to upload test results. Error on uploading results: Bad request.
#676 opened by anastasiia-bunch - 5
Question: Updating steps
#643 opened by anastasiia-bunch - 1
[qase-cucumberjs] Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath './dist/src/messages' is not defined
#533 opened by felipocorrea90 - 6
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[qase-cypress-v2] Error when using the reporter without `cypress-multi-reporters`
#597 opened by gibiw - 1
Save test run ID and URL to be reused in CI
#591 opened by NickVolynkin - 2
[playwright-qase-reporter] Mitigation of Axios Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerability in playwright-qase-reporter npm package
#475 opened by bs-rezve - 1
[FR] Sync automation status with jest
#580 opened by eilinwis - 1
[feature request] Vitest Reporter
#587 opened by unickq - 1
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[playwright-qase-reporter v1.2.1] No error if the token is invalid or missed
#445 opened by VinkotovUULA - 2
[feature request] JavaScript API: Ability to set more fields when using `createResultBulk`
#476 opened by jkennedy1980 - 1
☂️ Release v2
#531 opened by NickVolynkin - 1
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Not seeing the old syntax supported on v2.0.4
#628 opened by escosio - 1
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[qase-cypress-v2] Cannot create run error
#616 opened by l-oliveira-synd-io - 1
[qase-cypress-v2] Defects not created on test failure when npx cypress run
#607 opened by l-oliveira-synd-io - 1
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qase-playwright [2.0.0-beta.2]: Package subpath './dist/playwright' is not defined
#538 opened by NickVolynkin - 4
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Does playwright-qase-reporter support different reports for different browsers?
#527 opened by saysetel - 1
Qase-Playwright Integration with Allure Issue: Test Execution Abruptly Stops on Playwright
#470 opened by miguelofbc - 1
[question] How to create more than one "// qase: 1" in one endpoint and multiple pm.expect ?
#469 opened by arirarira - 2
- 1
I would like an option to not create an Issue on Qase when a Playwright run fails.
#450 opened by kunihiko-sasaki - 1
[Cypress] [Reporter] [Feature Request] Cannot specify the plan_id, despite this being a valid option in the api.
#448 opened by AlexaDeWit - 1
[newman] Error sending information about a test-run in newman when the "Auto create test cases setting" is disabled
#446 opened by LexinFrom02 - 1
[qase-newman] - The runComplete feature is not present in version 1.0.6-alpha.2.
#395 opened by victoralvesf