This is the Curriculum for "Learn JAVA Data Structures and Algorithms in 4.5 Months"
Complete the lectures and assignments from 01 - 04
Complete the lectures and assignments from 05 - 08
Complete the lectures and assignments from 09 - 11
Complete the lectures and assignments from 12
Complete the lectures and assignments from 13 - 14
Go on leet code and find questions of recursions and practice them along with the concepts of arrays and strings
Complete the lectures and assignments from 15 - 16
Complete the lectures and assignments from 17 - 18
Complete the lectures and assignments from 19
Remember the more you practice the more you'll get better
---> Flow of Programs ---> 5 (Done)
---> First Java ---------> 9 (Done)
---> Conditional Loops----> 26 + 26 ---------------> 52 (Done)
---> Functions -----------> 14 (Done)
---> Arrays---------------> 28 + 10 + 3 ---------------> 41 (Done)
---> Searching -----------> 17 + 17 + 8 ---------------> 42 (Done)
---> Sorting -------------> 30 + 12 + 1 ---------------> 43 (Done)
---> Strings -------------> 25 + 19 + 8 ---------------> 52 (Done)
---> Patterns ------------> 35 (Done)
---> Recursion -----------> 27 + 34 + 19 ---------------> 80 (Going on...)
---> Bitwise -------------> 19 + 6 + 3 ---------------> 28 (Done)
---> Math ----------------> 11 + 13 + 4 ---------------> 28 (Done)
---> Complexities --------> 21
---> OOP -----------------> 16 + 11 + 8 ---------------> 35
---> Linked List----------> 11 + 31 + 6 ---------------> 48
---> Stacks and Queues ---> 12 + 16 + 6 ---------------> 34
Total ------------------------------------------------> 567