
The test shard maven plugin is a maven plugin to split tests into shards. The main aim is to use these shards for concurrent testing.

Primary LanguageJava

Test Shard Maven Plugin

The test shard maven plugin is a maven plugin to split tests into test shards (txt files). The main aim is to use these shards for concurrent testing.

Getting started

To include this plugin just add the following code snippet to the pom.xml of your project


and replace [creator_goal] with either create-junit-shards or create-cucumber-shards and [shard_cound] with the expected number of created shard files.

Goals and plugin options

The maven shard creator plugin can create shards for basic junit test classes and cucumber feature files. Make sure, that your project contains a cucumber junit wrapper class:

@RunWith(value = Cucumber.class)
public class PSACucumberItests {...}

The class should include all feature files.


Default Phase: NONE

This goal deletes all test shards in the output directory. It is not necessary to call this goal on maven clean, if the output folder is located in the target folder.

mvn com.telekom.gis.psa:test-shard-maven-plugin:clean-shards



This goal executes a given test shard (gets the test shard by the given shardIndex) and includes it into surfire by setting the property surefire.includesFile to the shard name. Example command line call:

mvn com.telekom.gis.psa:test-shard-maven-plugin:execute-shard org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:test -Dtests.shardIndex=4

The shard index does not depend on the type of the test shard. For example, if you have 2 cucumber and 3 junit test shards, the expected outcome of the creator goals is:

- cucumber-shard0.txt
- cucumber-shard1.txt
- junit-shard0.txt
- junit-shard1.txt
- junit-shard2.txt

The index starts with 0 at cucumber-shard0.txt, continues with 2 at junit-shard0.txt and so on. So to execute junit-shard1.txt, you have to execute this goal with shardIndex 3.



This goal reads the test sources, splits them and creates the test shards. For this goal test sources are supposed to be java files with junit tests Example command line call:

mvn com.telekom.gis.psa:test-shard-maven-plugin:create-junit-shards -Dtests.shardCount=5



This goal reads the test sources, splits them and creates the test shards. For this goal test sources are supposed to be cucumber feature files. Example command line call:

mvn com.telekom.gis.psa:test-shard-maven-plugin:create-junit-shards -Dtests.shardCount=5



This goal removes the .ignore extension from the feature files. This extension is used to disable feature files.

Plugin options

If a parameter has no default value, it is required to set this parameter in the pom.xml of your project.

Name Parameter property description goal default value
cucumberWrapperClass shard.execute.cucumberWrapperClass The full class name (package and class name) of the wrapper class for cucumber tests execute-shard none, but only required if cucumber tests are executed
shardIndex shard.execute.shardIndex The index of the shard to be loaded into surfire (see goal description) execute-shard
outputFolder shard.outputFolder The output directory for the test shards all ${project.build.directory}/test-shards
shardCount shard.create.shardCount The amount of shards to be created (by each creator goal) create-junit-shards, create-cucumber-shards
includes shard.create.includes The path pattern for the test files to be included create-junit-shards, create-cucumber-shards {**/*Test.java} for junit, {**/*.feature} for cucumber
excludes shard.create.excludes The path pattern for the test files to be excluded create-junit-shards, create-cucumber-shards []
testFolders shard.create.testFolders The directories, where to search for the the test files, do not include parts of package names create-junit-shards, create-cucumber-shards, clean-cucumber-features ${project.build.testSourceDirectory}