Assessment Tests Answers

This repository hosts a solution with two main projects. One for the Todo API MmsTodo.WebApi and MmsTodo.Core (core lib) and web frontend. The frontend is half-done due to time constraints. The other project is for answering the answer to question 4.2 (majority element) wich can be run through the MmsAlgo.Console application.

  • Algorithm solution in is ./src/MmsAlgo.(Core|Console)

  • Todo API is in ./src/MmsTodo.WebApi

  • Todo frontend source is in ./src/MmsTodo.WebApi/vue-webapp

There are also tests writtent for both answers. Thse can be found under the tests/ directory.



Can be run throught he console. Didn’t add ability to ready from external sources like files.


Can run the MmsTodo.WebApi project. I;ve edited the launchSettings.json to default to the wwwroot instead of swagger, so just running the project should be fine.

both projects require .NET 8