Paperspace: A literature exploration tool.



Finding relevant papers is hard! Semantic Scholar has a good selection of tools to do this with, but their UI isn't the best for exploration of new fields. Paperspace hopes to provide a UI that can pick out relevant papers quickly and easily.

Building - Devs only at the moment, sorry!

Make sure you have installed:

Clone repo and run in the root directory:

cargo run

This should automatically:

  • Pull in the npm dependencies,
  • Build the frontend
  • Pull in and build Rust dependencies
  • Build executable and embed frontend
  • Run a debug version that will open in the browser.



Development of backend is as can be expected, edit code and see if it works etc.


Thankfully you don't need to know Rust for this! Paperspace's frontend is a SvelteKit app that can be developed and iterated on as any other.

You can use the npm dev server to speed up iteration. In one terminal run:

cargo run

This will launch a Paperspace instance on localhost:4000. We can't edit the frontend of this instance, but we can proxy requests to it's backend. In another terminal, cd into the frontend directory and run:

npm run dev

The npm development web server will boot up and open a page at localhost:XXXX. The page will will automatically reload when frontend files are saved. API requests are proxied to the running Paperspace instance.

Any changes made to frontend code should be picked up by cargo run and/or cargo build. This will automatically recomple the frontend for deployment and embed the updated version in the new executable.