
Converting weights of Pytorch models to ONNX & TensorRT engines

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


- TensorRT engine converter of various TensorRT versions (refer to each branch or tag)

- ONNX (Open Neural Network Exchange)

- TensorRT

  • NVIDIA SDK for high-performance deep learning inference
  • Deep learning inference optimizer and runtime that delivers low latency and high throughput for deep learning inference applications
  • Explicit batch is required when you are dealing with Dynamic shapes, otherwise network will be created using implicit batch dimension.
  • More details about TensorRT: https://blog.naver.com/qbxlvnf11/222403199156


  • Build & load TensorRT engine
  • Setting batch size of input data: explicit batch or implicit batch
  • Key trtexec options
    • Precision of engine: FP32, FP16
    • optShapes: set the most used input data size of model for inference
    • minShapes: set the max input data size of model for inference
    • maxShapes: set the min input data size of model for inference
  • Inference TensorRT engine
  • Compare output and time efficiency among tensorrt and onnx and pytorch

TensorRT Docker Environment

- Download TensorRT Docker environment

docker pull qbxlvnf11docker/tensorrt_21.08

- Run TensorRT Docker environment

nvidia-docker run -it -p 9000:9000 -e GRANT_SUDO=yes --user root --name tensorrt_21.08_env -v {code_folder_path}:/workspace -w /workspace qbxlvnf11docker/tensorrt_21.08:latest bash

Examples of inferencing ResNet18 with TensorRT

- Explicit batch

  • Converting Pytorch model to onnx
python convert_pytorch_to_onnx/convert_pytorch_to_onnx.py --dynamic_axes True --output_path onnx_output_explicit.onnx --batch_size {batch_size}
  • Converting onnx to TensorRT and test time efficiency (FP32)
    • Setting three parameters (minShapes, optShapes, maxShapes) according to the inference environment
python convert_onnx_to_tensorrt/convert_onnx_to_tensorrt.py --dynamic_axes True --onnx_model_path onnx_output_explicit.onnx --batch_size {batch_size} --tensorrt_engine_path FP32_explicit.engine --engine_precision FP32 
  • Converting onnx to TensorRT and test time efficiency (FP16)
    • Setting three parameters (minShapes, optShapes, maxShapes) according to the inference environment
python convert_onnx_to_tensorrt/convert_onnx_to_tensorrt.py --dynamic_axes True --onnx_model_path onnx_output_explicit.onnx --batch_size {batch_size} --tensorrt_engine_path FP16_explicit.engine --engine_precision FP16 

- Implicit batch

  • Converting Pytorch model to onnx
python convert_pytorch_to_onnx/convert_pytorch_to_onnx.py --dynamic_axes False --output_path onnx_output_implicit.onnx --batch_size {batch_size}
  • Converting onnx to TensorRT and test time efficiency (FP32)
python convert_onnx_to_tensorrt/convert_onnx_to_tensorrt.py --dynamic_axes False --onnx_model_path onnx_output_implicit.onnx --batch_size {batch_size_of_implicit_batch_onnx_model} --tensorrt_engine_path FP32_implicit.engine --engine_precision FP32 
  • Converting onnx to TensorRT and test time efficiency (FP16)
python convert_onnx_to_tensorrt/convert_onnx_to_tensorrt.py --dynamic_axes False --onnx_model_path onnx_output_implicit.onnx --batch_size {batch_size_of_implicit_batch_onnx_model} --tensorrt_engine_path FP16_implicit.engine --engine_precision FP16 

- Comparision of time efficiency and output

  • Explicit batch test of FP32 TensorRT engine

    • Batch size of inf data = 1
    • Batch size of optShapes = 1

  • Explicit batch test of FP16 TensorRT engine

    • Batch size of inf data = 1
    • Batch size of optShapes = 1

  • Explicit batch test of FP16 TensorRT engine

    • Batch size of inf data = 8
    • Batch size of optShapes = 1

  • Implicit batch test of FP32 TensorRT engine

    • Batch size of inf data = 1

  • Implicit batch test of FP16 TensorRT engine

    • Batch size of inf data = 1


- Converting Pytorch models to onnx


- TensorRT


- TensorRT Release 21.08


- TensorRT8 code


- ImageNet 1000 samples

